Thursday, 4 February 2010

La dame bariolée

In November, I was showing you the statue of a very colourful gent. Well, I'm pleased to announce that the gent has got a lady, I have now found them together, they are guardians of the entrance of a restaurant and tea shop in a little courtyard off the rue des deux portes!
En novembre, je vous montrais la statue d'un gentilhomme bariolé. Eh bien ce brave homme a une femme, que j'ai découverte récemment ! Ils gardent tous les deux l'entrée d'un restaurant-salon de thé dans une cour de la rue des deux portes !


Anonymous said...

You are wonderful match maker. :)

I love seeing all of the differing angles you present to us of your home that you care for so well.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I wonder if children will show up next.

Thank you the bday wishes.

Suburban Girl said...

So happy he has a companion!

Paulie said...

Good spoting! Lovely lady too!!!!!

Lowell said...

Every good restaurant and tea shop needs a couple of guardians. For some reason, the lady looks very French to me!

But why is her hand up? Is she greeting customers?

EG CameraGirl said...

And she is dressed colourfully too!

Leif Hagen said...

Very cute! But I don't think I'd let them stand out in the rain and weather if I were the shop owner!

Clueless in Boston said...

Nice shot. I'm glad the gent has found his dame. I hope they will be happy.

Chuck Pefley said...

LOL! Every good woman needs a good man ... and vice versa.

Virginia said...

I love this, and yes we all need a wonderful man, oui???

Olivier said...

cela fait un beau couple, voir ce que cela donnera si ils ont des enfants ;o) on dirait une oeuvre de Niki de Saint Phalle

Anonymous said...

Two joyful scenes of great color! Wonderful!

Sharon said...

I would love to have a cup of tea here.

Dina said...

Haha, in Jerusalem restaurants have a security guard at the entrance. Glad you can have wooden greeters instead.

A l a i n said...

Effectivement je m'en souviens beaucoup de couleurs cette femme; ensuite peut être les enfants qui c'est?

Dave said...

Good to see that the waiting around paid off. Why do women take such a long time !!

gogouci said...

She seems very happy. If I had a great big beautiful ring like hers, so would I. Very fun post.

VP said...

I'm so glad he got company at last, I like happy ending.

Malyss said...

C'est bientôt carnaval, elle est dans l'air du temps..Ü

Cezar and Léia said...

C'est la mode et très beau!
Vous avez visité ce lieu? Est-ce cher? ;)
Je suis ici commencent déjà à faire ma liste, je souhaite visiter Versailles, je tiens à ce que ne prenne pas trop longtemps.

brattcat said...

You're such a romantic, Ciel. What a charming little square.

B SQUARED said...

A story with a happy ending. Wonderful!

Unknown said...

Love la dame! Great composition! And a new word for me, never heard 'bariolé/e' before... :-)

Halcyon said...

Every fine gent needs a lovely lady! Too cute!

Gordon said...

They make the perfect couple.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Oh they are elegant, tidy, and colorful - just like the pretty courtyard! Thanks for more cheery photographs!
Three Rivers Daily Photo

tapirgal said...

It seems they were made for each other.

Small City Scenes said...

Perfect! They are quite a pair. MB

paulboo said...

She is very pretty indeed, lucky him! :O)
Love your quirky portrait too.