Friday, 19 February 2010

Weekend Reflections: boulangerie

Yesterday I was showing you the baker at work. This here is his bakery with a light reflection of houses... For more Weekend Reflections, do stop by at Newtown Area Photo!
Hier je vous montrais le boulanger à l'oeuvre. Voici sa boulangerie, avec un léger reflet de maison dans la devanture. Pour d'autres reflets du Weekend, c'est chez James !


James Mark said...

Nice and brightly lit. That scotches the myth about French people being excessively economical with electricity. "Scotch" here is a faux ami - meaning almost the opposite of "scotcher".

Barb said...

What a wonderful shop,I bet the bread smells and tastes divine....Barb

A l a i n said...

Une devanture très jolie; souvenir d'une époque ou combien nostalgie.

Lowell said...

Like I've said before, you do excellent reflections (among other things!) I do wish I had the opportunity to visit this bakery tonight!

Paulie said...

Interesting reflections in bakery window but I really also love that first photo.

James said...

I looks like a wonderful place. I like the way the reflection sits perfectly an top of the painting.

Anonymous said...

I would certainly visit his shop. Thanks for sharing your vision.

Louis la Vache said...

This looks like a fine boulangerie. «Louis» (having gone to baking school in Paris) would love to visit.

gogouci said...

I can only imagine the wonderful aroma that comes from that space.

Dave said...

A wonderful shop and only the French have shops like this. Two croissants and a choc au pain please!!!

Cezar and Léia said...

La peinture de la fenêtre est belle et romantique.Je suis fou de boulangerie française (peut-être la raison je suis besoin ici pour faire une dieta);)

Alain said...

Très classe ! Le moissonneur, (à moins que ce soit une moissonneuse) est très élégant.

VP said...

I'm already hungry, I really love traditional boulangeries.

Woody said...

Very clever. Thank you for showing the reflection photo close-up and the shot of the store front, it help me understand the context. I like the details in the close-up and the reflection. The store certainly has a lot of lights!

Malyss said...

Même la boulangerie a ce bleu special Versailles!
J'aime ces boulangeries traditionnelles, toujours promesses de gourmandises et d'odeurs délicieuses...

Cergie said...

Ai-je bien vu ? Le coquelicot aurait droit de vie dans ce champ de blé ? J'aime bien le grain de pavot sur les petit pains.
Et ta façade est top. Elle a un coté à la fois propret et désuet qui siérait bien en tableau porte-torchon dans une cuisine...

Halcyon said...

Super réfection. Je te souhaite un très bon weekend ! J’espère qu’on peut jouer au golf ici. Le mercure remonte mais la météo dit qu’on attend la pluie. On verra !

Anonymous said...

Love the bottom shot with the reflections. I love bakeries!


Chuck Pefley said...

Judging by the moss on the awning, this bakery has been there many years. Very comfortable looking, and I can just imagine how good it smells inside. Yum!

Small City Scenes said...

Excellent shot. I would like to visit the bakery. Looks great. MB

Tania said...

Looks like a nice place and great reflections!

Rune Eide said...

I got hungry... :-)

B SQUARED said...

It shall be much easier to find now that I know what it looks like.

Virginia said...

Do you know how much i"d give for a REAL French baguette right now? Groooaaannnn.
Bon weekend,

Unknown said...

Beautiful side windows! Also like the reflections.

Birdman said...

Reflections always work!

Maia T said...

Both photos are beautiful. Great reflection in the first one.

eileeninmd said...

I love the aromas from bakeries, Great reflection and photos!

Carletta said...

Love the subtle reflections in the painting! The bakery looks very inviting and I can only imagine the aroma at baking time. :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely shot. (I can smell the bread).

Icy BC said...

These are beautiful, I like the colors of the building!

Hilda said...

Very pretty window with a soft reflection of what looks to be another lovely building. I would love to be there — I love the smell of bakeries!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Ciel!

Lew said...

Great reflections! If there is a wive shop nearby, you have the makings of a great day!

Dina said...

Beautiful picture of the harvest and the resulting bread.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful reflections, but I love the store too !

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I love these painted windows. I think they're called eglomise. Only in France.

Thérèse said...

I can smell "la baguette" from here :)

Kat said...

Wonderful reflection, as always. I love this little slice of town life. I find the "no dog" symbol especially interesting. Here, dogs are generally not allowed anywhere unless they are service dogs. Lovely, colorful shot. Kathy

Ebie said...

Oh, I would love to live next to this bakery! Fresh smell of baked goods everyday!

Love the reflected windows!

Crafty Green Poet said...

it looks like a lovely shop,

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

A nice mural and a lovely storefront photo!
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Michael said...

Nice window with the subtle reflection.

wenn said...

that's lovely!

B : ) said...

Great shots! thanks for visiting

Amanda Moore said...

cieldequimper,that is a lovely reflection how lucky you are to have beauty like that to photograph.

Serendipity said...

I particularly like the second picture. Apologies for commenting so late - this week has been hectic!