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Friday, 19 February 2010
Weekend Reflections: boulangerie
Yesterday I was showing you the baker at work. This here is his bakery with a light reflection of houses... For more Weekend Reflections, do stop by at Newtown Area Photo! ------------------- Hier je vous montrais le boulanger à l'oeuvre. Voici sa boulangerie, avec un léger reflet de maison dans la devanture. Pour d'autres reflets du Weekend, c'est chez James !
Nice and brightly lit. That scotches the myth about French people being excessively economical with electricity. "Scotch" here is a faux ami - meaning almost the opposite of "scotcher".
La peinture de la fenêtre est belle et romantique.Je suis fou de boulangerie française (peut-être la raison je suis besoin ici pour faire une dieta);) Léia
Very clever. Thank you for showing the reflection photo close-up and the shot of the store front, it help me understand the context. I like the details in the close-up and the reflection. The store certainly has a lot of lights!
Même la boulangerie a ce bleu special Versailles! J'aime ces boulangeries traditionnelles, toujours promesses de gourmandises et d'odeurs délicieuses...
Ai-je bien vu ? Le coquelicot aurait droit de vie dans ce champ de blé ? J'aime bien le grain de pavot sur les petit pains. Et ta façade est top. Elle a un coté à la fois propret et désuet qui siérait bien en tableau porte-torchon dans une cuisine...
Super réfection. Je te souhaite un très bon weekend ! J’espère qu’on peut jouer au golf ici. Le mercure remonte mais la météo dit qu’on attend la pluie. On verra !
Judging by the moss on the awning, this bakery has been there many years. Very comfortable looking, and I can just imagine how good it smells inside. Yum!
Wonderful reflection, as always. I love this little slice of town life. I find the "no dog" symbol especially interesting. Here, dogs are generally not allowed anywhere unless they are service dogs. Lovely, colorful shot. Kathy
Nice and brightly lit. That scotches the myth about French people being excessively economical with electricity. "Scotch" here is a faux ami - meaning almost the opposite of "scotcher".
What a wonderful shop,I bet the bread smells and tastes divine....Barb
Une devanture très jolie; souvenir d'une époque ou combien nostalgie.
Like I've said before, you do excellent reflections (among other things!) I do wish I had the opportunity to visit this bakery tonight!
Interesting reflections in bakery window but I really also love that first photo.
I looks like a wonderful place. I like the way the reflection sits perfectly an top of the painting.
I would certainly visit his shop. Thanks for sharing your vision.
This looks like a fine boulangerie. «Louis» (having gone to baking school in Paris) would love to visit.
I can only imagine the wonderful aroma that comes from that space.
A wonderful shop and only the French have shops like this. Two croissants and a choc au pain please!!!
La peinture de la fenêtre est belle et romantique.Je suis fou de boulangerie française (peut-être la raison je suis besoin ici pour faire une dieta);)
Très classe ! Le moissonneur, (à moins que ce soit une moissonneuse) est très élégant.
I'm already hungry, I really love traditional boulangeries.
Very clever. Thank you for showing the reflection photo close-up and the shot of the store front, it help me understand the context. I like the details in the close-up and the reflection. The store certainly has a lot of lights!
Même la boulangerie a ce bleu special Versailles!
J'aime ces boulangeries traditionnelles, toujours promesses de gourmandises et d'odeurs délicieuses...
Ai-je bien vu ? Le coquelicot aurait droit de vie dans ce champ de blé ? J'aime bien le grain de pavot sur les petit pains.
Et ta façade est top. Elle a un coté à la fois propret et désuet qui siérait bien en tableau porte-torchon dans une cuisine...
Super réfection. Je te souhaite un très bon weekend ! J’espère qu’on peut jouer au golf ici. Le mercure remonte mais la météo dit qu’on attend la pluie. On verra !
Love the bottom shot with the reflections. I love bakeries!
Judging by the moss on the awning, this bakery has been there many years. Very comfortable looking, and I can just imagine how good it smells inside. Yum!
Excellent shot. I would like to visit the bakery. Looks great. MB
Looks like a nice place and great reflections!
I got hungry... :-)
It shall be much easier to find now that I know what it looks like.
Do you know how much i"d give for a REAL French baguette right now? Groooaaannnn.
Bon weekend,
Beautiful side windows! Also like the reflections.
Reflections always work!
Both photos are beautiful. Great reflection in the first one.
I love the aromas from bakeries, Great reflection and photos!
Love the subtle reflections in the painting! The bakery looks very inviting and I can only imagine the aroma at baking time. :)
Lovely shot. (I can smell the bread).
These are beautiful, I like the colors of the building!
Very pretty window with a soft reflection of what looks to be another lovely building. I would love to be there — I love the smell of bakeries!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Ciel!
Great reflections! If there is a wive shop nearby, you have the makings of a great day!
Beautiful picture of the harvest and the resulting bread.
Beautiful reflections, but I love the store too !
I love these painted windows. I think they're called eglomise. Only in France.
I can smell "la baguette" from here :)
Wonderful reflection, as always. I love this little slice of town life. I find the "no dog" symbol especially interesting. Here, dogs are generally not allowed anywhere unless they are service dogs. Lovely, colorful shot. Kathy
Oh, I would love to live next to this bakery! Fresh smell of baked goods everyday!
Love the reflected windows!
it looks like a lovely shop,
A nice mural and a lovely storefront photo!
Three Rivers Daily Photo
Nice window with the subtle reflection.
that's lovely!
Great shots! thanks for visiting
cieldequimper,that is a lovely reflection how lucky you are to have beauty like that to photograph.
I particularly like the second picture. Apologies for commenting so late - this week has been hectic!
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