Quelqu'un a du être de méchante humeur pour casser ces chaises avant de les abandonner. Quand je suis repassée un petit quart d'heure plus tard, les restes avaient fait trois heureux ! Désolée pour la mauvaise qualité des photos, j'étais... euh... au volant... Et en bonus, une bonne vieille 4L que j'ai toujours trouvée mimi !
Well some people will take ANYTHING off the street. This is one of those cases! Firewood maybe??
Perfect to recycle and reuse the chairs for another use. The Renault looks pretty stylish.
Its like the gentleman are taking the bad feelings that destroyed the chair and will make them feel better or will transmute them by rebuilding that which has been broken. Restoration will come to Be.
You were driving?
People are funny. Sometimes at Christmas time, people have taken their garbage, wrapped it up nicely in Christmas wrap, and left it in their cars with the doors unlocked. Invariably, it is soon stolen.
Every week, at our old house, we had people drive by and go through the garbage...if you wanted to get rid of something, just put it out by the curb - it's gone!
But what these guys want with busted up chairs is worth investigating...
I'm always amazed at what people take from my garbage, too :-)
Thanks for visiting my blog today, and I will try to find more about the Native American Indians.
The wooden chairs were trying to reunite themselves with the trees until those guys stole them...
Maybe thry'll rebuid them. My favourite French car is the DS 19, its still beautiful today.
Now who would do that and why. And what are those guys gong to do with tem? Questions, questions!! MB
Funny scene, and while you were driving. The chairs didn't look so damaged and the guys were obviously interested.
En conduisant?!.. Ü
Ahh, la 4L..Ma première voiture! la mienne était beige. Que de souvenirs nous avons partagés! j'en ai été malade de la vendre. Mais comme c'était à des étudiants, j'espère qu'ils ont fait le plein de bons moments eux aussi.. (Et a mon avis, tes gars vont faire un feu!)
Not bad for driving. Usually (if I try at all) when I take a pic while at the wheel, I can't find the subject in it when I get home :) Good catch of a small drama in action.
Con man Osap and his side kick Kisa were at it again. Only this time it is not twelve chairs and family jewels in Bolshevik Russia, but three chairs near Versailles. Deep within the crevices of the wood were codes to the whereabouts of documents hidden by the Société des Neurosciences. Documents in hand, Osap and Kisa fled, leaving behind Maurice Risch to stuff the evidence into his Renault 4.
What a great example of recycling!
You don''t suppose they fell out of the Renault?
One person's garbage is another person's treasure. Never ceases to amaze!
Our garbage is safely locked away. I always find that fascinating but I suppose this comment thread offers part of the explanation. Interesting.
J'ai une copine qui avait une $L pendant des annees. Je l'aimais bien aussi.
Je me demande si ces personnes vont reparer les chaises ou s'ils vont les utiliser pour se chauffer (ou autre chose).
Je voulais dire une 4L! :D
Oh, oh. Perhaps three very fat men were playing cards in the park when suddenly....
One wonders why the people in the bottom photo wanted the chairs? Perhaps they were just tidying up. You will have to find the old Renault again for another photo session!
Three Rivers Daily Photo
Recycling is a grand thing, good for those guys.
I like that Renault too, a car with character; designed before computer aided design software and energy efficiency!! ;-/
How wonderful to make these guys happy!
This post is funny, I liked a lot your words about that chair! LOL
I need to confess sometimes I would love to do something like it LOL...break something to put the feelings out! I know...it would not work!
Pour la 4 L bien vue; heureux je pense que oui! des chaises en bois aux coins du feu.
Good for them! Re-cycling is wonderful for our earth!
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