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Monday, 1 February 2010
February CDP Theme Day: Wood
Inside the Grand Trianon castle stands a large, round table made by Félix Rémond in 1823. The wood he used is teak. My contribution to this month's Theme Day.
That is superb craftsmanship in the legs of the table, Ciel. I guess it is all constructed with the teak used coming from more than one tree. A beautiful piece of furniture.
What a masterpiece. It is so perfectly finished that it was hard to tell in the portal whether it was wood or stone. Terrific choice for theme day, Ciel.
Nice geometric sweep to this. Those griffins or whatever they are, so typical of French decoration of the period, always make me a bit uneasy. Just too weird.
Great piece and photo. Julie and I love anthropomorphic details on furniture, characteristically French. As I write this from my laptop in the library of our home in Arizona, I am looking across at an antique French cabinet with carved figures for pedestals on the front (and with an antique French art deco chandelier providing the light).
Argh, I am not going to be able to sleep until I remember what that creature is called!
Beautiful carving and wonderful texture on the teak too!
And I'm a day late, but happy blog birthday, Ciel! Thank you for giving us daily glimpses into your gorgeous city! I hope you will never tire of taking photos and blogging because if you stop, it will be such a big loss for the blogging world.
Tu n'es pas obligée de me croire, je ne peux plus le prouver car il a disparu, je suis née ainsi que deux de mes frères sur un lit bas fait de quatre poutres de bois sombre entièrement sculpté de dragons et natté sur le dessus. Dommage que je ne l'aie pas pris en photo. En dessous tu as une magnifique composition, tu n'as eu que le mal (et tu en as le mérites aussi) de la photographier, tu as embauché un étalagiste talentueux à tes ordres. Quant à ton premier anniversaire.... Tu es arrivée très vite chez moi. Tu as tout de suite eu beaucoup de maîtrise dans le domaine du blog sans démériter depuis, peut-être parceque tu fais partie d'un "club", d'une famille, mais cela ne suffit pas, tu as ta personnalité, tu t'en tires très bien, aidée, reconnaissons le, par une ville prestigieuse à servir. Puisses tu avoir l'envie et le bonheur de partager longtemps...
How beautiful. Such detail, patina and shown so beautiflly against that wonderful floor. The wood looks so much more beautiful than what we think of as teak today.
Exquisite detail!
Beautiful table. That is one great looking table leg.
Un tres beau travail sur le bois. Je ne reconnais pas le teck mais il est gravé.
Absolutely gorgeous! Almost looks like marble. How did they do that?
That is superb craftsmanship in the legs of the table, Ciel. I guess it is all constructed with the teak used coming from more than one tree. A beautiful piece of furniture.
Beautiful wood, beautiful design!!!!!!! How wonderful that it has been preserved for antiquity so that others may enjoy seeing it also.
What a masterpiece. It is so perfectly finished that it was hard to tell in the portal whether it was wood or stone. Terrific choice for theme day, Ciel.
Nice geometric sweep to this. Those griffins or whatever they are, so typical of French decoration of the period, always make me a bit uneasy. Just too weird.
Great piece and photo. Julie and I love anthropomorphic details on furniture, characteristically French. As I write this from my laptop in the library of our home in Arizona, I am looking across at an antique French cabinet with carved figures for pedestals on the front (and with an antique French art deco chandelier providing the light).
Beautiful figured wood, a difficult thing to carve and it is done so beautifully. I love the floor, too. Nice photo.
Three Rivers Daily Photo
Very decorative and I like the tile too.
Looks like a fancy, magnificent WOODEN table! Just right for theme day!
this is so intricately carved and is perfect use of teak wood for theme day. and so french as well.
It looks amazing, all the detail and the heaviness of it. That must have been some teak tree.
Argh, I am not going to be able to sleep until I remember what that creature is called!
Beautiful carving and wonderful texture on the teak too!
And I'm a day late, but happy blog birthday, Ciel! Thank you for giving us daily glimpses into your gorgeous city! I hope you will never tire of taking photos and blogging because if you stop, it will be such a big loss for the blogging world.
And to think--such a mythical creature coming from a teak tree.
Not an easy wood to work with, great table and excellent choice for this theme day.
Unique and elegant.
Beautiful craftsmanship. Is that a phoenix?
Lundi matin, nouvelle semaine, et nouvelle annee! Bon anniversaire, VDP!
belle sculpture, c'est un superbe travail...évidement quand je regarde ma table IKEA.....;)
What a beautiful teak wood table and such detail AND almost 200 years old. Impressive. MB
Le teck un bois très noble pour cause, utiliser beaucoup en Thaïlande; remarquable ébénisterie.
A un tel niveau artistique, c'est a se demander si c'est encore du bois, comme si la matiere était passée à travers les mains d'un alchimiste!
Elegant indeed!Wonderful choice for this theme!
Tu n'es pas obligée de me croire, je ne peux plus le prouver car il a disparu, je suis née ainsi que deux de mes frères sur un lit bas fait de quatre poutres de bois sombre entièrement sculpté de dragons et natté sur le dessus. Dommage que je ne l'aie pas pris en photo.
En dessous tu as une magnifique composition, tu n'as eu que le mal (et tu en as le mérites aussi) de la photographier, tu as embauché un étalagiste talentueux à tes ordres.
Quant à ton premier anniversaire.... Tu es arrivée très vite chez moi. Tu as tout de suite eu beaucoup de maîtrise dans le domaine du blog sans démériter depuis, peut-être parceque tu fais partie d'un "club", d'une famille, mais cela ne suffit pas, tu as ta personnalité, tu t'en tires très bien, aidée, reconnaissons le, par une ville prestigieuse à servir.
Puisses tu avoir l'envie et le bonheur de partager longtemps...
I have never seen Teak in that color. It is usually much darker. A beautiful piece.
The detail of the carvings are amazing as is the grain of the wood. Very beautiful!
Beautiful! As 'B Squared' wrote, «Louis» has never seen teak finished in a light color like that. He wouldn't have guessed that this table is teak.
I prefer a picnic table . That usually has on it my idea of a sumptious meal, but I can stand to be spoiled too. :)
I had the same reaction - wood??? A lovely piece with the floor providing an angular contrast to its roundness.
Look at that detail, gorgeous. I love the old crafts work'ART!
je trouve que ta photo c'est le pied
On dirait du marbre!
Fascinating art work, what fine craftsmanship?! :)
Du solide fait pour traverser les ages. Rien qu'à regarder 1/4 de la table, j'imagine ce qu'elle doit perser. Bel angle de prise, soit dit en passant.
Great shot for the February Theme Day!
Oh a lovely image with such grand composition. Very nice interpretation of our theme today.
How beautiful. Such detail, patina and shown so beautiflly against that wonderful floor. The wood looks so much more beautiful than what we think of as teak today.
Very special! Not your everyday table, is it?
Fantastic entry, Ciel!
Lovely wood table and I love the black and white tile or stone floor. Probably stone in your part of the world. Nice entry for wood.
Was für ein traumhaft schöner Tisch.....vielen Dank, für diesen wundervollen Einblick in königliche Gemächer!!!!
Ich wünsch dir einen herrlichen Nachmittag (hier ist es sehr stürmisch und es regnet) und
allerliebste Grüße, herzlichst Jade
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