Friday, 12 February 2010

Weekend Reflections: les coeurs ont fait leur apparition dans les vitrines

Not much time left to do your Valentine's day shopping, here are some ideas seen in a shop window of Hoche Street. To see more reflections visit James hosting Weekend Reflections @ Newtown Area Photo.
Il ne vous reste plus beaucoup de temps pour faire votre shopping de Saint-Valentin alors voici des idées de déco vues dans une vitrine de la rue Hoche. Pour voir d'autres Reflets du Weekend, c'est chez James que ça se passe ! Bon weekend !


Lee Spangler said...

He is a lucky man to have you as his valentine.

Anonymous said...

The reflection itself is free and all that I desire.

Lowell said...

I love your reflection photos! This is perfect for Valentine's Day...

What is Valentine's Day, by the way?

Clueless in Boston said...

Happy Valentine's Day. It looks like you're ready for it.

stromsjo said...

That day always puts me in a reflective mood.

Olivier said...

apres noel, les soldes, voila les coeurs de la st valentin ;o) les marchands ont envahis le temple ;o))
Bon Weekend et bonne st Valentin, j'espere pour une fois sans rdv avec ton dentiste

Chuck Pefley said...

And a Happy Valentine's Day greeting to you, too, Ciel!

Paulie said...

Nice catch! Might even be more beautiful since it IS a reflection!

Happy Valentine's day a few days early.

VP said...

@ Jacob - They commemorate a gangland murder in 1929 Chicago...

Small City Scenes said...

Reflective hearts.
Oh this is so much fun---I like Heart day. MB

Malyss said...

Je n'en ai pas encore vu beaucoup par ici, le vitrines sont plus consacrées au Carnaval, qui débute ce soir..
Bonne St Valentin!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee
You made «Louis» reflect on the fact that he hasn't bought a Valentine for his Valentine.

(Editor to «Louis»: You had better get cracking!

«Louis» to Editor, imitating a U.S. Marine: Sir! Yes! Sir!)

Anonymous said...

If you need somebody else to be your Valentine, I will be your "virtual" valentine.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty hearts, Happy Valentines to you and yours.

Rob said...

many thanks for the reminder; I now must call to place my flower order. Happy Valentine's Day!

Icy BC said...

This is an awesome shot! I love all the dangling hearts

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

James said...

Hi Ciel.
Perfect reflection for this special weekend. The hearts a very nice and so are the rest of the things in the window as well as the reflections.

Regarding your question. I just looked up and took a picture of some dripping icicles. My camera can take pictures pretty fast and I stood in a good place for the right lighting. Then I cropped and rotated the photo. Oh and I deleted the 5 or 6 that didn't capture what I was looking for. :)

Carolyn Ford said...

This is just beautiful! What a pretty window and reflection. I love the dangling hearts! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Rune Eide said...

I'm all for fresh hearts...

Alain said...

Exempté, c'est un des avantages de la solitude.

BaysideLife said...

Happy Valentines Day, Ciel. Need to shop and hope I find a window as nice of this to draw me in. Great reflection.

Diane AZ said...

Beautiful reflection, perfect for Valentine's Day!

Sistertex said...

Great timing....great photo!

Xavi said...

Stunning capture!!!
Happy Valentines Day, Cieldequimper

My name is Riet said...

What a great picture and reflection.

Halcyon said...

I really like this reflection. I have hardly even thought about Valentine's Day this year. My husband and I might go out for dinner, but I don't consider it a real holiday.

Birdman said...

Mine's done... early this year. Nice reflection.

Rob Siemann said...

C'est fait!

Luna said...

Ich mag Schaufensterbummel sehr.
Happy Valentine!!
Lg Luna

crocrodyl said...

The reflection is great! I like the light!

Müge Tekil said...

Nice photo! Happy Valentine's Day! :-)

Carletta said...

I'm a Valentine Birthday girl myself so I love this reflection so appropriate for the day. :)
Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.
Round The Bend.

Anonymous said...

Lovely reflection. Great colors and so clear.

Serendipity said...

Great reflection!

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» got his Valentine a valentine today...
Candy and flowers tomorrow for a surprise for her Sunday morning...

Anonymous said...

Your usual charming, delightful reflections shot. I hope you have a happy Valentines day.


Kcalpesh said...

Feel so glad to see that the valentine's day ideas remain the same throughout the world... :-)

Nicely captured reflection!!

Pixellicious Photos

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Such a romantic window for valentine's day. Great reflection

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Wow! You were the first one to sign in with a reflection. I feel like I'm sixteen years old looking through the window wondering what I will get for Valentine's Day. Thanks for the memories!


Victoria said...

Love this..spectacular..very cool!

Helena said...

Beautiful reflection! Happy Valentine's Day. :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

beautiful romantic reflections, lots of depth in the photo too

Charlene Amsden said...

Reflections in reflections! Very nicely done.

beatrice De said...

Je serais la 99ème visiteuse Suisse.

Ah ! si Versaille m^était conté ! Qui a dit ça !

J'aime bien votre sensibilité dans le choix de vos photos.

Un petit cou cou de Lausanne en Suisse, où il fait encore un froid de canard. ( en référence à ma vitrine sur les canards ), sur mon blog.