Monday, 15 February 2010

La pièce d'eau des Suisses gelée, hier

On the icy Swiss lake, the swans were in love as befits Valentine's day! More about of the lake? See the label below.
... et les cygnes étaient amoureux, normal pour la Saint-Valentin !


paulboo said...

Must be nearly spring time :o)
Looks like a lovely place to stroll and watch the wildlife.

Lowell said...

Swooning swans on a fantastical lake! Nice post, Ciel!

Woody said...

The first shot is amazing! Very beautiful, thank you for sharing!!

brattcat said...

Swans and humans are not always such great friends but who can deny the tenderness and beauty of that top shot?

raf said...

And another superb capture for the day of love, especially in the first image! said...

beautiful view through the trees! & those two love birds are very sweet.
happy Valentine's Day.

Dina said...

I have never seen a swan do that! What a great picture, and perfect for the day of love.

Dave said...


VP said...

This was a place that I liked even in the hot of summer. I think these swans could use some of that heat now...

Olivier said...

superbe ta derniere photo avec les ombres en contre-jour, j'adore ce type de photo

jade said...

Oh, sind das wundervolle Bilder, ich bin ganz verzaubert!!!!! Das erste ist meine Lieblingsfoto - ich hab schon sehr oft Schwäne fotografiert, aber so eine herrliche Aufnahme ist mir noch nie gelungen!!!!!

Allerliebste Grüße und eine herrliche Woche, herzlichst Jade

B SQUARED said...

A perfect shot for today!

James Mark said...

I agree, a lovely first shot.

Halcyon said...

Sweet! I believe that Swans mate for life. They are such pretty birds.

Malyss said...

Je me faisais du souci pour les cygnes, mais s'ils peuvent briser la glace, elle ne doit pas être trop épaisse.. J'A-DO-RE ta deuxième photo!
Elle est terriblement evocatrice, après-midi d'hiver, douceur de la balade..So romantic!!

Ocean showroom said...

Lovely photos! I hope you had a wonderful valentines yesterday! alexandra

Diane AZ said...

The swans look cozy even on the icy lake. And I like the people and tree silhouettes in the last one.

Tammie Lee said...

that first photo is so charming, it must get so many "ah's!"

James said...

I love the top one with the swans. :)

Renate D. said...

Dieses erste Foto mit den Schwänen ist zu schön! Es ist unglaublich, daß Du genau diese zärtliche Geste erwischt hast!
Renate D.

isabella kramer - veredit said...

Cette cygnes amour sont tout simplement incroyable, je voudrais essayer de mettre la photo en aquarelle. Mai-je?

Catherine said...

On serepose sur son compagnon, ou sa compagne....ça se fait. Rarement vu cela chez les cygnes.

Unknown said...

The first shot is fantastic, it could be a painting!

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

The first shot is so charming - and it is well-composed, too. A Valentine's Day card.
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

That top picture is so lovely, Ciel. What a soft place to rest your head. I love it.


Icy BC said...

I love watching swans! The third picture is awesome!