Saturday, 20 February 2010

Vieux et nouveau

Old and new, though not in Verona, I wonder if Romeo would drive a BMW...
Non nous ne sommes pas à Vérone, je me demande si Roméo conduirait une BMW...


GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Yes, Romeo would have whisked Juliette away in a BMW. Great food for thought today!


akarui said...

La gallerie sur le coffre depareille un peu mais c'est sans doute bien utile si les bagages de Madame ne tiennent pas dans le coffre :)
J'aime beaucoup ta photo du boulanger a l'oeuvre (le 18/2)
Bon weekend!!

Small City Scenes said...

Iwouldn't mind having a BMW. Yes!!

That moon does look like the kind a fairy would sit on. I collect fairies and I have a couple just like that. MB

Lowell said...

I'm sure that Romeo would drive anything he thought would get Juliet down from her balcony!

EG CameraGirl said...

Don't know if Romeo would or not, but I would. ;)

Woody said...

I really like the balcony, especially the corbels. The details are great! The Bimmer's not to shabby either :-) I'd love one in my garage, next to my BMW motorcycle. As soon as the snow melts, it will be out of the garage and about the countryside. I can't wait!

Leif Hagen said...

Fancy car - fancy real estate - fancy!

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» thinks Romeo would be on a Harley-Davidson....


Dina said...

Wouldn't Romeo want an Alfa Romeo instead of a BMW?

Ingrid said...

Hierfehlt nur noch die Julia, mit den Autoschlüsseln lol !

Dave said...

But would it have impressed Juliet is the question.

VP said...

The only car Romeo would ever drive is obviously an Alfa Romeo, a Spider if possible.

James Mark said...

My wife's fav car contrasting nicely with the balcony.

Malyss said...

S'il en avait eu une, il aurait pu enlever Juliette, et alors on n'en aurait jamais entendu parler!!Ü
perso, je fantasme sur les roadsters Jaguar des années 50, ou sur l'Austin de James Bond..Mais bon!

eileeninmd said...

In todays world Romeo would drive a BMW or a similiar model. Great shot!

Thérèse said...

Of course Romeo would but without the luggage rack...

Reader Wil said...

I am sure it was the same balcony Juliette was watching Romeo from. He didn't drive a BMW, but an Alpha Romeo.!

Lee Spangler said...

Perhaps love can be bought somewhat, but romantic love?

Cezar and Léia said...

Subtle details to show the "message" of the picture, well done!
God bless you!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Dina - The Alfa, of course!


Crafty Green Poet said...

well this Juliet wouldn't be impressed by a BMW....

lovely building....

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Well a convertible, of course Juliette would go for a ride. Or Romeo could take the top down, and seranade her from inside his car!
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Unknown said...

With this kind of BMW top, Juliet can jump to the car without getting hurt! :-))

A l a i n said...

Roméo; à ma connaissance il conduisais pas une Alfa-Roméo.