Voici vos options ! Le stationnement est un gros problème à Versailles comme ailleurs et est plutôt onéreux que vous vous gariez sur la chaussée ou dans l'un des parkings souterrains dont certains sont ouverts 24 h / 24.
Voici vos options ! Le stationnement est un gros problème à Versailles comme ailleurs et est plutôt onéreux que vous vous gariez sur la chaussée ou dans l'un des parkings souterrains dont certains sont ouverts 24 h / 24.
I think it is rather funny that they say how many spaces each lot has too. It truly shows how such spaces are in great demand. They could perhaps create a sign that depicts the joy of walking. Signs have great power over many people.
I'm confused! LOL
Vu le monde qui vient visiter le chateau, Versailles a besoin de nombreux parkings.
With all these options, who could possibly remember where they left their car?
Always better to have more than enough rather than less that enough, and it's always better to know where to go than not know where to go...
I would automatically go to the left as it immediately appears there are many more places available there than to the right.
Well seen, Ciel!
Help - I would be lost!
I'll be right behind Jacob and hope he made the right (left) choice and doesn't get the very last spot!!
So, which one is the cheapest?
C'est pour ne pas avoir à faire ce genre de choix que je pratique la marche à pieds!!Ü
je savais pas que la spécialité versaillaise était le parking ;o))
Maybe I'll jusr walk. MB
Partly sunny--partly cloudy today. Chilly too.
I'm impressed. This would be Science Fiction here or even in Florence...
When I visit France, I will have to hire a driver.
Best bet it to turn left, but before you do, admire the details in the building in the background.
Ne te plains pas tu n'en trouveras pas du coté de Belleville.
Mais c'est bien vu.
(Les autocars ne vont guère non plus du coté de Belleville)
it's nice because to find a parking in several cities can be a kind of nightmare...I like this picture!Great idea!
Beautiful photo but which way to the post office and internet cafe'?!
Too much choice.........I'll just chain my bike to the post and walk.
And I know they charge an arm and a leg for the parking too!
Yes I took that picture yesterday just before noon. It was a real pretty day.
I am sorry you have such grey and nasty weather. but think of this~~maybe when the sun returns and it starts warming up you will appreciate it more because it is so welcomed. Maybe! MB
The signs say how many places - but not how many are full! Here we go, driving around the block to look at the sign again, again. I prefer the bicycle idea!
Three Rivers Daily Photo
Lots of choices if the lot isn't already full. . . never seen anything like that before.
News flash for those of you who haven't spent a lot of time in la belle France: they are ALL full - unless it's in August, when the entire country packs up and goes to the south of France!
Vinci a beaucoup investi sur Versailles.....
Maintenant, faudrait passer à Velib.
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