Saturday, 6 February 2010

Dyane 6

A rare sight these days: a Citroën Dyane 6! I loved the matching interior! I am sorry to report that for some reason I cannot post comments on some of your blogs: Cezar and Léia, Donnie @ Hebrides Photos amongst others, those who have pop up windows. I have posted about it in the help forum, I have no idea what's wrong...
Une rareté de nos jours, j'ai adoré l'intérieur assorti de cette Dyane 6 ! Je n'arrive plus à poster des commentaires dans certaines fenêtres pop up de vos blogs et n'ai aucune idée du pourquoi...


Stefan Jansson said...

That's a bit orange.

Gunn White said...

Bright and colorful- Easy to spot, even under the snow(?)
It looks FUN to have a car like this.

Leif Hagen said...

That's the cutest car ever! Did you hug it?!

Diane AZ said...

Astonishing color, I love the interior too. Not sure I would want that color for myself though.

Clueless in Boston said...

A car that color should qualify for a discount on your insurance bill, because other cars would certainly see you coming and get out of your way.

Paulie said...

Definitely bright! You could not miss it coming! said...

I once had an orange car. I got it at a special, bargain low price because it was left over from the previous model year. But it did not have an orange interior. It might have remained for several more model years waiting for a buyer if it had an orange interior.

Bob Crowe said...

That is stylin'. Citroen has produced some weird - um, quite distinctive - cars over the years. This car is enough to make you go out and buy a red suit to match. Maybe T. C. Boyle from my post yesterday owns one of these vehicles.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

I love these cars, they are so cute! The orange color is its perfect complement. I'm surprised to see that it has an orange interior also. Clearly, the owner loves orange!
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Louis la Vache said...

Wasn't this the Citroën series that replaced the 2CV?

Dina said...


VP said...

Eye catching, the color of safety jackets.

tapirgal said...

What an exciting car!

gogouci said...

nice interior...missing the orange fuzzy dice though.

Bill said...

Is this what we used to call a 'deux chevaux'?
Love the colour

James Mark said...

Orange was the colour of the age - I dreamed of owning an orange VW combi. Effectively taken.

EG CameraGirl said...

That's one car that I could easily find in the parking lot!

Anonymous said...

I love the color !

brattcat said...

This looks like the sunrise special. A real beauty.

Malyss said...

ça fait une éternité que je n'en ai plus vu..elle est dans un etat magnifique, il y a quelqu'un qui s'en occupe bien!
J'espère que le moral va mieux..
Bon week-end!

Sharon said...

That car is a real beauty!

Chuck Pefley said...

Au contraire mon ami, votre voiture est beaucoup plus belle que la mienne!

Lowell said...

What a fascinating machine this is! I've never in my life seen anything like it. It must be from some years back, right?

Hard to hide from the cops, though!

cieldequimper said...

@ Jacob: not a very fast car...

@ Louis: I'm not too sure that it actually replaced it, I wonder if they didn't stop the "deuche" while already producing the Dyane.

Cezar and Léia said...

Some years ago I saw many of those (or perhaps a similar model) in Argentina, it seemed very popular there!
By the way, after seeing your "report" Léia changed the way to post comments, it's not pop-up anymore. Perhaps now it will work better? I hope so... Sometimes the blog behaves in a strange way... :)
God bless you!

James said...

Cool car and even more rare here.

Small City Scenes said...

Where are my dark glasses.

Maybe I could catch an Eagle on the Mountain and you could have both---at once. YAY!! LOL MB

crocrodyl said...

Beautiful! Great captures!

isabella kramer - veredit said...

Eine wunderbare Farbe gegen den Winterblues und man findet es immer und überall sofort wieder. Ein echter Eyecatcher!

ganz liebe Grüße Dir und einen traumhaft schönen Sonntag,


Anonymous said...

I love the matching interior too! Great color! I sometimes have trouble posting comments on various blogs as well - very frustrating!

Woody said...

There's even a reflection in the second shot. I'm not sure if I could handle that orange all the time - it's a bit much!

Louis la Vache said...

Ciel - you may be correct that the 2CV continued in production for a while and the Dyane was produced at the same time. «Louis» will see if he can find out more about this...

Anonymous said...

The owner of this car is most surely a great and masterful people person. They have fully stepped into the second chakra.

Virginia said...

Maybe I wouldn't lose this one in the parking lot! Very cute.

A l a i n said...

Voici une belle époque ou tout était en tôle; couleurs de noce. J'espère que maintenant c'est rétablit pour blogger.

Anonymous said...

Awesome car...I love the color.


Catherine said...

Marron + Orange = Très années 70'

Tom said...

Superbe cette Dyane orange!
Je ne l'ai jamais vue à Versailles. de quelle côté "trainait"-t'elle ?