Sunday, 21 February 2010


Jacob posted a Starbucks in Florida which inspired me to show you the one in Versailles, located just opposite the train station where many American tourists arrive in Versailles... and right next to McD's. Of course, the mugs are "local" as you can see, Versailles being a suburb of that other city... I have voluntarily darkened the second shot.
Juste en face de la gare rive gauche et à côté de Mc Do, donc idéalement situé pour accueillir les touristes, notamment américains, se trouve le Starbucks local. Vous noterez que les tasses sont très locales...La deuxième photo a été volontairement foncée.


Barb said...

Oh I love the Paris starbucks mugs....Barb

brattcat said...

Are you protecting the identity of French citizens who are embarrassed to be caught in Starbucks?

Lowell said...

I love the mugs. Maybe I can get one of our Starbucks here to sell them?

So, you have created a mystery and bloggers all over the world will not sleep tonight because of that darkened photo! What shady shenanigans were going on, one wonders? Hmmm...what other reason could there be?

Do you like Starbucks' coffee?

Woody said...

I'm glad your Starbucks uses those beautiful mugs instead of the paper nonsense we use here in the states.
You seem to have intrigued people with your darken photo ...

Tash said...

Starbucks mugs look so much classier with PARIS on them! I will not buy Starbuck items, but I'd buy that one! Great angle on the shot.
PS - Yup, quiche is an all American diner food now - it's tasty, it's reheatable, it's easy to serve.

Clueless in Boston said...

Ditto on those other city mugs, I'd buy one too.

Anonymous said...

I would like to visit some of the wonderful outdoor cafes that France has so many of.

Dave said...

It always amazes me how much coffee people can drink. As I get cafine rushes after a couple of cups.

Cezar and Léia said...

I like the stylish mugs... And friend Jacob is all about inspiration, isn't he?
God bless you!

Small City Scenes said...

Great Paris cups. I like the red on the inside. MB

VP said...

Been there, nice view on the square: you can see at intervals, timed with the arrivals of the trains from Paris, compact crowds walking briskly toward the Palace and later the scattered, tired creatures coming back from a visit to the park.
All sipping my favorite Badoit rouge on ice, I'm not much of a coffee guy for an Italian.

cieldequimper said...

@ all: yes, I am protecting the identity of people because in this country you have to ask for permission before posting an image of someone. I didn't ask anyone's permission in there.

@ Jacob: I do like Starbucks for mochas. Starbucks mochas don't taste of coffee which is why I like them.
I hate coffee!

cieldequimper said...

P.S.: I did ask for permission to shoot the merch though.

Anonymous said...

I like the mugs but doubt they will sell them. I do have some mugs from our waffle house.

Dina said...

The mugs make you want to walk off with one as a souvenir.
The pieces that stayed light in the second photo are nice. Who needs faces, anyway. ;)

Sharon said...

I am not a coffee drinker but I have been to many Starbucks all over the world because my traveling friends usually are coffee drinkers. I keep trying to encourage them to start a collection of these mugs from places they travel to.

Malyss said...

C'est sur qu'à Versailles, on se demande bien quel bâtiment serait assez imposant pour servir de symbole à la ville?..ü
(En plus, le café, chez eux, est dég...tant!!)

Bon dimanche!

Olivier said...

a une époque, les Starbucks étaient les seuls cafés ou ils étaient interdit de fumer, j'adorais y aller et en plus cela me rappelle toujours NYC....

Louis la Vache said...

...hee hee
«Louis» would like these mugs better if they didn't have Starbucks on them...

Bergson said...

quoi les américains viennent à versailles pour gouter des hamburgers

faut changer le gouvernement

Paulie said...

I hate coffee too but the mugs are very nice.

Ilse said...

Lovely blog. I have visited that cafe which is in a photo below. I am an American who did not go to the McDoo. I love the shots of the older facades. I noticed how many older buildings there were in Versailles. I like feeling as if one is walking through the layers of history. But, isn't that what the French have such a talent for? Preserving the past & incorporating the new! A fine balance with a flair!

Ocean showroom said...

I love Starbucks and I like the mugs! :-) I hope you have had a nice weekend! Alexandra

Halcyon said...

Jacob is just inspiring people around the globe!

I'm not a huge fan of Starbucks, but I do think that coffee mug is cute!

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Hmmm - Starbucks couldn't afford to whip up some Versailles mugs? meh.
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

Starbucks coffee doesn't do much for me, but the last name, Starbucks, goes back to the earliest days of Nantucket.

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! We don't have a Starbucks in East Gwillimbury but we DO have one in our nearest big town, Newmarket. I MUST remember to take a photo of it. ;-)

Neva said...

I like the theme here....Starbucks around the world....nice one!

Virginia said...

With all the terrific coffee in quaint cafes all over France, i"m always amazed that ANYONE would give Starbucks a passing thought! I wouldn't mind a cute cup though!HA

Chuck Pefley said...

Voluntarily darkened? Why? Did Starbucks ask you not to take photos inside their shop? I had a request (I mean order) to not take photos in the Starbucks near l'Opera in Paris. Hah!

donnie said...

.... no starbucks in skye :)

Catherine said...

Ainsi, nos touristes ont des repè des souvenirs !

Kim said...

Fun shot! No matter where one goes, that familiar interior and logo seems to be just around the corner.
I'm thinking you darkened the shot because of French privacy laws. Here I take a lot of interior shots unless asked not to by the retailer or if it seems rude or in poor taste to get shots of the patrons. The shot looks nice even with the silhouettes. . .all that bright color.