Saturday, 27 February 2010

Vendredi soir à Vélizy 2

There are two huge shopping malls within a few minutes car/bus ride from Versailles. This is Vélizy 2 which opened in 1972 and is located in the neighbouring town of Vélizy-Villacoublay. At the time, it was the largest in Europe. This was yesterday evening with a wonderful moon and a lovely blue sky after a cold day of April showers (yes, in February!) And I didn't find what I was looking for despite there being about 170 shops...
Il y a deux immenses centres commerciaux tout près de Versailles. Voici Vélizy 2, qui ouvrit ses portes en 1972 et était alors le plus grand CC d'Europe. Il est situé sur la commune voisine de Vélizy-Villacoublay. C'était hier soir avec une jolie lune et un ciel tout bleu après les giboulées de la journée. Et je n'ai pas trouvé ce que je cherchais bien qu'il y ait environ 170 magasins...


Lowell said...

170 shops and you didn't buy anything? That's amazing. I'd love to see the inside of one of these malls. Are they similar to the ones in the States?

Maude Lynn said...

Couldn't find anything? I know exactly what you mean!

paulboo said...

Amazing that isn't it, it happens a lot, despite the choice apparently available there is always something missing!!!
You found some nice light anyway as some sort of compensation :o)

Halcyon said...

J'avais un copain qui habitait Fontennay-le-Fleuris. Une fois on est alle a Velizy pendant Noel pour faire un peu de shopping. C'etait la foule. Je ne suis jamais revenue !

Woody said...

The moon in the second shot adds a beautiful highlight. The sunlight reflecting in the first is very nice. I also think that blue car in the lower right is pretty sharp!

Paulie said...

Nice blue skies and almost new moon. . . I am not crazy about shopping centers here anymore either. Hope you find what you wanted elsewhere.

Bob Crowe said...

I remember the one time we actually stayed in Versailles, years ago with the children. We were at a Mercure hotel. The kids were being fussy and we ended up having dinner at a Hippopotamus restaurant in a shopping center close by. Probably not this one - this sounds bigger.

tapirgal said...

This is a different view of Versailles, for sure. And I can imagine tired feet!

Dave said...

The reflection shot was really good. Sometimes I have problems posting comments on your blog.

Pleased you liked Porthcawl....did you have fish & chips in Beales by any chance??

Enjoy your weekend.....even though France beat Wales!!!!!!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

You make this mall look positively romantic.

Cezar and Léia said...

So this seems to be THE place to go shopping, eh? With the option of another big one just nearby...
God bless you!
Cezar said...

Few things are worse than walking around a shopping mall an not finding what you are looking for.

Your photos are excellent, but I hope that you are not offended by a comment that these big box shopping malls do not look like belong in Versailles. Except for the names of the department stores, they could be in Kansas.

VP said...

A mall in 1972? We had still pushcart then...

cieldequimper said...

@ all who say this doesn't look like Versailles: it isn't! As stated, it's in Vélizy-Villacoublay.

I normally avoid shopping malls but I needed something specific that I didn't find.

cieldequimper said...

P.S.: photos are not allowed inside.

Small City Scenes said...

Shop 'til you drop---they say.

Love the last shot with the clear sky. I am glad the rain stopped for awhile. MB

Malyss said...

Tu as au moins assité à un joli coucher de soleil et fait une jolie photo.. Tu n'as pas perdu ton temps!

brattcat said...

Oh, Ciel, what are you looking for?

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Hard to believe this is so close to the royal chateau. In the 17th century, Versailles must have seemed like a lifetime away from the "daily living" venues. Today, the mall is just down the street!!!!

by the way, WHAT were you looking for?


Clueless in Boston said...

At least you got a couple of nice shots and a post from your visit to the mall.

I believe developers would build a mall on the grounds of Versailles if they were allowed and there was money to be made. That is the same everywhere. In the US developers are building big box stores right next to Civil War battlefield parks and destroying the areas.

Unknown said...

Now it's my turn to envy you regarding that blue sky! We've been hit by big storms again! Will someone gives a break??? :-)

By the way, have you rest? Ready for SNF(*)?

(*) Saturday Night Fever! LOL!

Virginia said...

Oui Printemps!! :) FNAC overwhelms me!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Thanks for the heads up about my link. I've asked James to change it for me.

Ingrid said...

We don't have the "Printemps" store but the Fnac ! Hier ist mal wieder ein Sauwetter und Sturm ist angesagt, aber bei Dir wahrscheinlich auch !

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee
Peut-être you didn't find what you were looking for precisely because there are TOO MANY shops! ;-)

«Louis» would like to browse the classical music department in FNAC.

EG CameraGirl said...

There's nothing worse than shopping and not finding what your looking for. Well. maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but you get the picture. My feet hurt just thinking about you walking into 170 shops.

Dina said...

Moon over the mall. Nice.

In our mall recently I almost got dizzy from so many stores and people. Hard to shop there, but fun to take pictures.