Friday, 26 February 2010

Weekend Reflections: les grilles et Mel Gibson

'Edge of Darkness' starring Mel Gibson opened in France on 17 February which gave me the opportunity to catch the Swiss Lake gate reflected... To see more Weekend Reflections, visit Newtown Area Photo.
La sortie en salles de "hors de contrôle" m'a donné l'occasion de photographier la grille de la pièce d'eau des Suisses reflétée dans l'affiche. Pour plus de reflets du weekend, allez voir chez James.


Lowell said...

That is one hell of a photograph, Ciel! I can't stand Mel Gibson, but that's neither here nor there...a stunning shot! Tres belles! (Or something like that!)

Paulie said...

Great catch! I bet you will get lots of ooooo;s and ahhhs about this photo. You done good!

akarui said...

Vraiment superbe cette photo de reflection. Un grand Bravo!!

Bob Crowe said...

That's very cool. Particularly like the James Bond reference in the corner.

Small City Scenes said...

Look! I am back.......

What an excellent shot. Spectacular!!

You'll be this way in 2 weeks. Yippee!! MB

Olivier said...

superbe photo ce reflet, Mel Gibson attaque le chateau de Versailles ;)

Loree said...

Excellent picture. At first I thought Mel was a ghost:)

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

That's a great photo, it doesn't look much like Mel Gibson though. He must be getting old! And Casino Royale in the corner...very Bondish.
Enjoy your weekend.
Melbourne Daily Photo

Bergson said...

fais attention le pistolet est peut être chargé

Dina said...

The gate is in just the right place!

gogouci said...

Very neat effect. It's like a dream sequence. Great catch.

Malyss said...

ça fait un effet superbe! ta photo ferait une excellente affiche de film!

Cergie said...

Une belle photo opportune mais un peu cauchemardesque. Je me souviens notamment de la fin du film "Braveheart" de et avec le même Mel Gibson. Toutefois, mieux vaut avoir une affiche avec le beau Mel qu'une pub pour une enseigne d'alimentation rapide par exemple.
J'ai pensé à toi hier en lisant ds "Mon jardin & ma maison" de mars 2010 qu'il va y avoir une fête des plantes royale à Versailles les 27 et 28 mars. Tu y seras ?

VP said...

Nice idea for a reflection. This movie has an amazingly original plot about a 'corporate cover-up and government collusion'...

Kim said...

What a really cool effect you got in this shot! I love the double image from the reflection. Nicely seen.
Hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend and that the rains stop soon.

Woody said...

This is such a great shot! The details in the reflection are amazing - the fence, the trees, the entry pillars. :-)

Louis la Vache said...


Cezar and Léia said...

oh gosh, it's ART!
Wonderful capture and so perfect composition!
Léia :)
***I want to go to the cinema!

Tania said...

Very cool shot!

My name is Riet said...

Oh Wow, that is a great picture, wonderful

Sistertex said...

Really great capture!

Ebie said...

Super cool reflection! Although I am not a Mel Gibson fan, but I saw the movie and I love it!

allhorsestuff said...

That is an excellent capture...I do think Mel would love it too!

Carolyn Ford said...

This is one great reflection! Mel Gibson would love it, I bet! Wonderful...Wow!

Anonymous said...

You cannot go wrong with a Mel Gibson reflection. :)

Unknown said...

Great eye, Ciel! Really cool!

Alain said...

Le chateau de Versailles, un Casino Royal (e) ? C'est une définition qui en vaut une autre.

Crafty Green Poet said...

very cool photo!

Louise | Italy said...

Fantastic shot! Well spotted.

José Ramón said...

Très intéressante cette image.

Salutations de la créativité et l'imagination, les photos de José Ramon

James said...

Ghostly cool! :)

B SQUARED said...

What a nice find. Well done.

Diane AZ said...

You've outdone yourself this time... coolest reflection ever!

Rune Eide said...

A dangerous reflection indeed :-)

Lorac said...

What can I ay that hasn't already been said? So, what everyone else says, doubled! Amazing capture~

Yolanda said...

How very clever with Mel! Love this reflection!

Anonymous said...

Excellent shot. I really like your reflection. It's effective and very creative.

Halcyon said...

Exelent comme relection ! Je te souhaite un tres bon weekend.

Carletta said...

Wow! Fantastic reflection!
I love that he's almost like a ghost blending in with the scene.
Someone said Art - I so agree. :)

Dave said...

The reflection shot was really good. Sometimes I have problems posting comments on your blog.

Pleased you liked Porthcawl....did you have fish & chips in Beales by any chance??

Enjoy your weekend.....even though France beat Wales!!!!!!

Kcalpesh said...

Casino Royale and Mel Gibson... :-D

Nicely captured reflection shot!

Pixellicious Photos

Hilda said...

This is such a fun and cool reflection, Ciel! Love it.

Happy weekend!

brattcat said...

How dreamlike this is. Excellent capture!

Icy BC said...

Fantastic capture! I like the mystery look of the photo

Kat said...

This is an amazing image. You really do have an incredible eye. Kathyo

Matty said...

I can't imagine how you did that, but it's a fantastic capture.

easternsparkle said...

Great shot - looks like Gibson is behind bars!

VioletSky said...

beautifully composed (as pretty much 47 other people already said)

Ingrid said...

Super ! (in 3 languages, only the prononciation changes !)

Serendipity said...


A l a i n said...

Bien vue la réflexion.