Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Wednesday Doorway: école primaire Vauban

Today's doorway is the entrance of Vauban elementary school on the Avenue de Paris. Depicted on the left are André le Nôtre and his gardens (read about him here) and on the right, Louis the 14th, the Sun King. As for Sébastien Le Prestre, Marquess of Vauban, whom the school is named after, he was the foremost European military engineer and architect of his age. All about him this way.
Voici l'entrée de l'école primaire Vauban, avenue de Paris. A gauche, le sieur Le Nôtre (que vous pouvez voir de plus près ici) et à droite, le roi soleil. Quant à Sébastien Le Prestre, marquis de Vauban, dois-je le présenter ? Pour ceux qui souhaitent plus d'informations sur ce génie, c'est par ici.


Leif Hagen said...

A great doorway through which to pass! History for the kids to know - Andre' le Notre and King Louis XIV!

akarui said...

Tres classe pour une ecole primaire.

Woody said...

Wow, what a history lesson on the way in the building! Very interesting!

brattcat said...

I wonder if the children notice. Or if it is simply the entrance to their school.

Diane AZ said...

Beautiful sculptures on the doorway plus lovely reflections of landscaping and architecture on the windows.

Anonymous said...

The carvings look much older than the door. Very interesting.


Lowell said...

That's one heck of a doorway! But do "they" seriously expect elementary school kids to learn all this stuff about Notre, Louis the 14th and Le Prestre?

Hmmm. Maybe they do. Some say the problem with schools in the U.S. is the problem of low expectations!

Even better than the carvings, I like the tree reflections in the windows!

Louis la Vache said...

That's a lot of history packed into that doorway!

Bob Crowe said...

Louis XIV and his gardener are a nice choice for guardians of the doorway, although I doubt that many people stop to think about it. It doesn't seem quite right, though, for a school named after a military engineer.

PJ said...

I read recently that France has the highest standard of living in the world. Here's one more reason why.

tapirgal said...

The doors to my school were definitely not decorated like that. You have so much interesting history - of course!

Olivier said...

les sculptures autour semblent très belles, et en plus elles sont pas tagguées ;)

Small City Scenes said...

Interesting shot. Is this a fairly new school? MB

A l a i n said...

Enter dans cette école comme dans un musée. UNE DIFFÉRENCE DE TAILLE ENTRE LES ÉCOLE DE BANLIEUE . Prendre conscience de sont corps et son esprit, assez difficile les premier temps; ensuite c'est comme faire un repas en douceur. Nous oublions de respirer c'est a dire prendre conscience de notre respiration chaque jours...

VP said...

Living in a pentagonal city I feel at ease with the ideas of the Marquis of Vauban. I hope this school hasn't ravelins and a moat...

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

I do hope that someday you can take us through the doors!!! But then, that's what Doorway day does to me!


B SQUARED said...

I'd say those students get a history lesson every day.

Malyss said...

Je me demande si quelqu'un prend la peine d'expliquer aux enfants qui est qui...Voila un personnage qui meriterai qu'on fasse un film sur lui un jour;;

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello dear Ciel
First of all many thanks for your kind message, email, don't worry please about comments, I'm happy that you liked my photography! :)
Your doorway today is beautiful and gracious!Great choice!

Halcyon said...

I wish our schools were as decorative.

Cergie said...

C'est la première fois que je rencontre une école dédiée à Vauban. Elle me semble bien transparente cette entrée et perméable, on entrevoit la cour derrière...

Chuck Pefley said...

Ciel, the doors themselves appear quite modern. I suppose the bas relief might be as well, though that's hard to decipher.

Think about all that will be learned through this doorway. What opportunity!

Anonymous said...

It seems very elaborate to me. I like it too. What a special place for fine examples of artwork and sculpture.

Abraham Lincolns Blog

Alain said...

Pour Vauban, j'aurai un peu les mêmes idées que Léo Ferré, dans l'île de Ré.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

The children must walk between the Sun King and his gardner into a school named for a leading architect - I hope they are inspired!
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Tammie Lee said...

This is an amazing doorway. Every thing is ornate in your city compared to our little town. I love the old arts!

Tash said...

A very lofty enterance. Great stuff.