Ciel: I loved seeing the cool,moist air. It took me about ten minutes to get your comment menu, because I am on a satelite signal and the connection is weak. Pix take forever to upload so its going to be tough for me to comment. I appreciate your comments on my post and if you send me your email address it'll be easier to respond. The best to you, Lee
Interesting angle and combination of signs. You're not allowed to walk or ride a bike unless you're accompanied by a kid - then you can walk. Right? :)
This reminds me of how when we rode through the town on the bus, I was amazed at all the signage I saw.
How do you take all that in at a glance. I'd probably drive right into a tree!
I hope there's a long red light there so people can figure out what not to do.
Et le cœur ce serre
c'est une belle collection de panneaux....
That is a whole lot of information to assimilate as one drives past!
Trop d'information tue l'information, c'est bien connu!!
Courage, la pluie annonce le printemps!
J'espère qu'il y avait un ralentisseur juste avant pour qu'on ait le temps de lire toutes les interdictions et les obligations !
Things gone lost coming by train...
So so many signboards!
Snow and rain, both are beautiful :)
Love Is In The Air, Love Is In Nature
Il pleut ici cette semaine.Comment puis je utilise les autobus beaucoup, et le chemin pour se rendre à l'école, la pluie est un problème! :(
Woe! Sign overload.
You really need to pause a minute to take in all those signs!
Ciel: I loved seeing the cool,moist air. It took me about ten minutes to get your comment menu, because I am on a satelite signal and the connection is weak. Pix take forever to upload so its going to be tough for me to comment. I appreciate your comments on my post and if you send me your email address it'll be easier to respond. The best to you, Lee
my email is
Lots of signs! Are they rules?
So many signs! Sorry to hear you snow is disappearing. We have a bunch of fresh snow now and much more on the way.
je vois que la signalisation et aussi claire que chez nous
Une foret de signes a l' entree d'une ville...
Hey! You got more snow than we have. . . sigh
Lots of signs with restrictions.
Proof of snow!
You can re-post this during the hottest days this summer.
Three Rivers Daily Photo
So many signs, no one probably pays attention to any of them. Makes a good subject for a photograph, though.
Interesting angle and combination of signs. You're not allowed to walk or ride a bike unless you're accompanied by a kid - then you can walk. Right? :)
So...which way is up? LOL
I would have to stop the car and take time to digest all the signs.
So many signs they clash; same here too.
J'aurai bien besoin de repasser mon permis de conduire !
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