Monday, 22 February 2010

Un dimanche soir, rue Royale

On a Sunday evening, rue Royale...


Luna said...

Was für eine schöne Impression.
Deine Bearbeitung gefällt mir sehr.
Lg Luna

Lowell said...

I really like this, Ciel! Seems like a lot of traffic for a Sunday evening, though. Busy place!

Halcyon said...

I like the focus on this one. It gives the photo a neat effect.

akarui said...

Jolie perspective sur la rue Royale a cette heure du jour ou les voitures ont deja leur phares allumes.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

This is a very pretty picture! I like how it sharpens in focus as you go further away.
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Tammie Lee said...

I am guessing this is quieter than usual. Fun to see all the lights amongst the stones of the city.

Louis la Vache said...

This image reminds «Louis» that American cars, for better or worse, are so much larger than cars in Europe - and that vehicular American icon, the pickup truck n'existe pas en France.

Anonymous said...

i love the focal point on this photo--it's very interesting!

gogouci said...

Great depth of field. Looks a little hectic for a Sunday eve.

Dina said...

From a nice angle.

VP said...

A lot of people driving around for a Sunday evening. Good weather, an event or dimply routine?

Olivier said...

j'adore cet effet, cela rend très bien avec cette rue sous la pluie

Malyss said...

Retour de week-end doublé de retours de vacances?..Le flou donne un petit air nostalgique, comme un souvenir déjà lointain..

Cergie said...

WAOW (ou bien VROUM) elle me plait SUPER cette photo. Elle est dynamite !
Les gaz d'échappement ou la mise au point en sont la cause qui procurent l'impression d'une caravane qui traverse un mirage !

Cezar and Léia said...

Beautiful lights in this picture, I hope you were going out for dinner!
This avenue is really beautiful!
Have a nice week

EG CameraGirl said...

Wow! Busy even on a Sunday evening!

Anonymous said...

I love where you chose to focus, Ciel. Very well done.


Small City Scenes said...

Sunday evenings seem very busy. Everyone goinf somewhere. Love the buildings. MB

B SQUARED said...

People returning from the weekend?

Neva said...

I like how you caputred this shot with the blurry in the front and crisp in the back. cool.

Suburban Girl said...

Looks very busy!

Rob Siemann said...

Y'a du monde, pour un dimanche soir!

stromsjo said...

Been a while since I walked a street without snow.

Bergson said...

il n'y a pas de pénurie d'essence dans ta royale cité ?

Virginia said...

Very cool how you chose to focus on the background!!:)

Catherine said...

Des carrosses modernes rue Royale......avec une nouveauté : les feux rouges.....