Saturday, 13 February 2010

Le lycée La Bruyère

Evening traffic on the Avenue de Paris with La Bruyère high school in the background. Like Hoche high school, it is ranked amongst the best in France. Jean de la Bruyère, who died in Versailles in 1696, was a fabulous essayist. If you can, read his "caractères", the observations he made about people are still strikingly modern. This portrait is attributed to Nicolas de Largillière.
Derrière le trafic d'un soir d'hiver sur l'avenue de Paris, se dresse le lycée La Bruyère, parmi les meilleurs de France tout comme le lycée Hoche. Avez-vous lu "les caractères" de Jean de la Bruyère ? Je trouve qu'ils n'ont pas pris tant de rides que ça, et vous ? Ce portrait est attribué à Nicolas de Largillière.


A l a i n said...

Il avait un visage fin; d'après la peinture. Les écriture reste et restera des sublimes verbes; avec un style littéraire, ou la langue française sonne très bien ; plus un moraliste ; dommage qu'il soi mort à 50 ans.

Lowell said...

It looks like a busy avenue! Very nice nice shot. And I'm impressed with your high school...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot, Ciel. I found the English version of caractères here -



VP said...

Thanks to Sharon for the link, now I'm curious to read something of this famed essayist...

Malyss said...

J'aime bien dans ta photo le contraste entre le lycée, ancien, solide, immuable et tranquille, et la circulation, rapide, mouvante clinquante et éphémère...Tout un symbole!!
Bon week-end!

Cezar and Léia said...

Colours and lights so neat in this picture!
God bless you!

EG CameraGirl said...

I like the feeling of movement in this photo!

brattcat said...

I would love to wander through this neighborhood.

Small City Scenes said...

Very nice shot. I like the streaking tail-lights. MB

@nne said...

Je suis bien heureuse de découvrir ton blog. Je te souhaite un douw weekend de Saint-Valentin. Cordialement, @nne

crocrodyl said...

Interesting photo! Great capture of cars' lights!

cieldequimper said...

@ Sharon: thanks!

Halcyon said...

I like the lights of the car. It adds movement to this photo. Lovely!

Suburban Girl said...

Interesting history with modern car lights speeding by.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

"Characters" in English translation is available on Google Books, thanks for the enjoyable post!

Anonymous said...

Very, very cool!