Sunday, 31 January 2010

Un an déjà !

One year has gone by since the first post on VDP and what a year it has been! Thank you all for following and commenting, I do appreciate it so very much! I wonder: who could play VDP a birthday serenade on this mandolin which I saw in an antiques shop in Saint Louis neighbourhood? I'm so sorry for not being able to visit all your blogs as usual, I'll get back to my normal rythm asap!
Que le temps a passé vite depuis le premier billet de VDP ! Merci à tous ceux qui suivent ce blog et à ceux qui y commentent, c'est tant apprécié ! J'ai vu cette mandoline dans la vitrine d'un antiquaire du quartier Saint Louis. Qui saurait jouer une sérénade d'anniversaire à VDP ? Je suis désolée de ne pas pouvoir faire ma tournée de tous vos blogs, je m'y remets dès que possible.


Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Happy Bday VDP.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Happy Birthday, VDP! I will cyber strum the mandolin for you now.

Three Rivers Daily Photo

Lowell said...

Can't play the mandolin, but I'll strum the strings of my heart and say congratulations and the very best for the coming year... :-))

Woody said...

Another Blog Birthday! I've only been at this for a little over 13 months and it's been a lot of fun.

Very nice composition. I really like the tapestry as the backdrop and the mandolin is beautiful. Happy Blog Birthday!

brattcat said...

What a beautiful image to commemorate VDP's first anniversary. Can it be only a year? You've made such a wonderful impact on the cdp community. Happy anniversary and here's to many, many more.

Virginia said...

I am wishing the very best of anniversaires mon amie!
Your photos have been outstanding and we can't wait to see what more you have for us this next year.

tapirgal said...

CONGRATULATIONS! This is a beautiful still life worthy of a Great Master - which you are! I so wish I could play, but we'll leave that to someone who can do it right. I'll listen :) I hope we have many more years of VDP coming up!

Bob Crowe said...

Is it your anniversary? Congratulations on all the hard work and the eye candy you've given us. If I could find a mandolin in a St. Louis neighborhood I'd try to play it for you.

Paulie said...

Happy blog anniversary! I love the mandolin -- and the beautiful music that comes from it.

Clueless in Boston said...

Happy Birthday. The year has flown by and you don't look a day older!

Olivier said...

CHAMPAGNE pour toi et CAVIAR pour ton blog...........JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE DE BLOG....Merci pour cette année de photos versaillaises, pour tes visites et tes commentaires....Je te souhaite une bonne continuité pour cette nouvelle année (et moins de dentiste ;o) )...

EG CameraGirl said...

Happy anniversary! I'd say you had a very successful year and I hope you continue to share your wonderful photos with us for a very, very long time!

I do wish I could play the mandolin!

Dina said...

Mazal tov on VDP's anniversary!
So glad we have you to brighten our every day, Cieldequimper.

Small City Scenes said...

Well happy one year anniversary of VDP. This January is 2 years for me. I am so happy to have met you through your blog. MB

Gunn said...

It has been nice and interesting to follow your very well made blog!!:-)

Claude Richard said...

Bon anniversaire et vive Versailles !

Renate D. said...

Auch von mir die herzlichsten Glückwünsche! Vielen Dank, daß Du uns Versailles mit Deinen ganz speziellen Einblicken näherbringst!
Liebe Grüße
Renate D.

Jilly said...

What a beautiful photograph and I bet Happy Birthday on the mandolin would be magical. This is to wish you a very Happy First Birthday with your blog - always so interesting and with such great photographs. Looking forward to the next year, Cieldequimper - xxx Jilly xxx

Suzanne said...

Congratulations on your blog accomplishment for one year. I've loved following along. Keep up the beautiful photos for us armchair travellers.

Malyss said...

Joyeux anniversaire!le temps passe vite sur les blogs, signe qu'on ne s'y ennuie pas , qu'on s'y enrichit chaquue jour de nouvelles rencontres et de nouvelles connaissances; A l'année prochaine pour l'an II!!

Louis la Vache said...

Joyeux anniversaire

We are so happy you are blogging! We enjoy VDP very much and we appreciate your visits to our blogs!

We hope you have a splendid year!

Small City Scenes said...

Hello there.
Regarding my on my blog you wondered if you missed something. Time and again I have posted about Fort Casey State Park (two posts ago) and last summer too.So here is a thumbnail:
Fort Casey State Park is located on Whidbey Island in Washington state. Admiralty Inlet was considered so strategic to the defense of Puget Sound in the 1890s that three forts, Fort Casey on Whidbey Island, Fort Flagler on Marrowstone Island, and Fort Worden, were built at the entrance with huge guns creating a "Triangle of Fire" that could theoretically thwart any invasion attempt by sea. Fort Casey is now a 467 acres marine camping park. Fortunately there was never an invasion. Just tourists today.
I hope that helps. I guess I figure you all can see inside my head. No please you say. LOL MB

jade said...

Oh, wie schön, auch von mir ganz HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH zum Blog-Geburtstag.........ich freu mich immer sehr, über deine wundervollen Beiträge und die lieben Kommentare!!!!

Einen herrlichen Sonntag und allerliebste Grüße, herzlichst Jade

manon 21 said...

Bon anniversaire de blog!!!
du bonheur encore du bonheur....

merci pour tes mots si gentils.



Bergson said...

du moment que tu nous joues un petit morceaux le temps que nous finissions le champagne

bon anniversaire

Anonymous said...

Visiting is one thing I don't have much time to do myself. I don't go door to door like Jehovah's Witnesses, but try to follow up visitors.

I like the4 mandolin - the way it is presented leads me to believe the person had some training in Window Display techniques.

VP said...

Happy Birthday! This a nice surprise, and in few months you ever convinced me to come to Versailles for the first time in my life!
By the way, a great picture either...

Leif Hagen said...

O medito gozaimashita! Congratulations on your 1st blog anniversary! Grattis! Alles Gute! Wishing you another year of showing us some fantastic French fotos! Bravo! Encore!

Steve Buser said...

Happy CDP birthday

Julie said...

very nice composition. Happy anniversary to you. It is a big accomplishment and commitment to do a daily photo blog.

James Mark said...

As an average sort of guitarist I think I could manage Joyeux anniversaire on the mandolin.

Félicitations !

akarui said...

Bon anniversaire pour cette annee passee et je suis la pour la suivante :)
Superbe photo avec la mandoline et autres objets antiques.

Tom said...

Félicitations pour les chouettes photos et la régularité des posts.
Et bon anniversaire!!!

gogouci said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. I always enjoy visiting your blog and reading your witty comments. Looking forward to another year.

A l a i n said...

Félicitation surtout pour ta gentillesse; ton travail sur ce blog qui est fait avec passion; pour la mandoline as-tu demander le prix? Bonne semaine chez toi

Suburban Girl said...

I love the display

paulboo said...

What a lovely collection of things here, sorry I can't play the mandolin or anything else :-)
Bon anniversaire Ciel.

Catherine said...

Un an ! Tu es sûre ? Tu maîtrise tellement bien que je pensais que tu blogais depuis des années ! J'ai dû prendre le blog à son tout début alors.
Et bien ? Qu'est ce que tu attends pour continuer ? A demain..
BON ANNIVERSAIRE au son des mandolines.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this wonderful, sweet, charming blog, Ciel.


Kim said...

Popping in with a belated but heartfelt Happy 1st Blogoversary, Sam. You've had a full year of gorgeous photos, so many interesting and charming things to show us, and you made amazing friends along the way. Your presence in the CDPB community has been a real treat for so many of us. Thank you, and cheers for your next year of photoblogging Versailles and surrounds. I hope you have a lot of fun!

Laurent said...

Avec du retard mais l'intention est là je te souhaite un très joyeux bloganniversaire !

crocrodyl said...

Congratulations! I thought that VDP is much older than NowySaczDP!:)
What a surprise, there is only 3 days difference between the moment of start of our blogs!:)
Best regards,