Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Dans l'entrée d'un restaurant chinois

Seen in the entrance of a Chinese restaurant.


crocrodyl said...

Great shot! Wonderful idea!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

The white one has beautiful irridescent scales. Nice shot.

Halcyon said...

The Chinese and their fish. All the nice restos always have a nice tank on display.

Anonymous said...

This made me smile. Thanks for the cheery first of February post.


Bob Crowe said...

These fish have so much personality, particularly the one at the upper left. It seems to be coming up to the glass to give us some advice about the menu.

Lowell said...

Do you think any of these are on the menu?

Cute photo, Ciel.

I was going to say there was something "fishy" about this restaurant but that would have been just plain dumb!

Sharon said...

What an amazing shot. That fish looking at the camera has a great expression!

Louis la Vache said...

Are you certain that the one on the top left isn't «Louis'» former father-in-law?

James said...

That looks like a restaurant that I went to. One of those fish looks like a clown. :)

Olivier said...

et tu as mangé lequel ? il y en a un qui te semble te demander de l'epargner...allez un bon geste ;o))

Dave said...

Is the next shot "the fish" dish?

Small City Scenes said...

I hope that's not dinner.
Look at the one with his mouth open and red nose. He looks like a clown. heehee MB

Chuck Pefley said...

The fish with the red nose ... wait, do fish have noses? Well, anyway, it surely looks like a clown face!

Dina said...

The fish seems to be saying, "Oh, I hope it's not my turn to visit the kitchen."
Great shot. Not easy to take without reflection.

VP said...

This is the first time I see a clown fish! I'm not sure to understand: are these guys on display simply for décor or awaiting... a certain death?

Alain said...

Cela me fais penser aux poissons qui se disent bonjour chaque fois qu'ils se croisent, dans un film des Monthy Pithon, je crois.

Jilly said...

Fish are so fascinating, aren't they? Your shot is lovely and shows how interested they are in your camera!

Paulie said...

Surely they were for decoration only!

B SQUARED said...

The Chinese sure seem to favor fish. I don't know why so many of their restaurants have aquariums, however.

Malyss said...

Ils me font penser a des carpes Koi japonaises. J'espère qu'ils sont juste là pour la déco....

Woody said...

They are Koi fish, which is Japanese for carp, and are thought to represent strength and determination. These are very old based on their size and would never make the menu - they would be too expensive! This is a beautiful capture!

Cezar and Léia said...

I hope they are there only for decoration! :)
They are absolutely gorgeous!Wonderful picture!

brattcat said...

You've definitely made the 'catch of the day', Ciel. This is an excellent shot...not easy to hook. Put you've really snagged it.

EG CameraGirl said...

Look at the expression on the fish that's looking at you! ;-)

Ingrid said...

The fish on the left looks like if he had too much water, lol !

BaysideLife said...

Oh I love these fish. Aquariums are so calming. That fish facing your camera has such a curious expression.

Diane AZ said...

Oh, what a funny face! Reminds me of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

That's a bundle of good luck - and a beautiful photo, I really like the colors and how you caught one with his face turned to the camera. Happy Chinese New Year on 14 Feb.!

Three Rivers Daily Photo

Unknown said...

I know it's not easy to photograph fish tanks and this shot is just great!

Leif Hagen said...

I guess you like really FRESH fish for dinner, non? It would taste great with some white wine from Eagan! I'll send you a bottle!

tapirgal said...

This is fantastic, look at that nose! And the eyes of several fish are gleaming silver. This is wonderful!

Suburban Girl said...

I love the one looking at you!

Gunn said...

So what do you call "the red nose fish"??
Anyway, I like it!