Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Les soldes d'hiver

The big winter clearout sale has begun last week. How about a stylish armchair with a very versaillais cushion? Ah, maybe 20% off isn't enough yet... You might walk a little further in Saint-Louis neighbourhood and stop at "the three bears house", a wonderful toy shop!
Les soldes d'hiver ont commencé la semaine dernière. Un beau fauteuil avec un coussin très versaillais peut-être ? Ah... -20% ce n'est pas beaucoup, il faut peut-être attendre encore un peu ! Dans ce cas, faites quelques pas de plus dans le quartier Saint Louis et vous trouverez peut-être votre bonheur dans ce fabuleux magasin de jouets !


Bob Crowe said...

From one point of view, the chair and pillow have an old fashioned elegance. From another, I can see peasants in the 1780s taking delight in being able to sit on madam's head should the chance occur.

brattcat said...

Did you pick up any little treasures, Ciel?

Chuck Pefley said...

I'll take a stroll through the toy shop, thank you. Looks warm and cozy just like the Three Bears would like their home -:)

Lee Spangler said...

It seems troubling to possibly sit on her

PJ said...

That's a lovely sight. Is Christmas shopping in France as insane as it is here at Christmas. I hope not, for your sake.

Lowell said...

I would guess that minus 80% would not be enough to get me to purchase that chair...

The toy store looks more my style...I wonder if they have any adult toys like computers and televisions?

Halcyon said...

I think I'll pass on the pillow! Maybe something from the toy shop though. :)

Leif Hagen said...

Very elegant, classy and sophisticated!

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

I don't think I would want a pillow with a picture of Marie Antionette on it. She did not have a happy ending, and there is much to criticize about her life.

tapirgal said...

Of course, who else would be on the pillow in Versailles? I like the way the colors came out in photo #2.

BaysideLife said...

Toy stores are so much fun, but I also think the chair looks comfortable--a place to sit and read a book and sip a cup of tea. But without Madame Marie.

Olivier said...

La maison des trois ours je dis pas non, elle semble très accueillante, et puis cette voiture a pédale devant (souvenir souvenir)

Dina said...

But that looks like a big price tag on the little red car.

I LOLed at your sugar dance question (and answered)!

stromsjo said...

At this time of year they'd better knock off most of the price to get anything sold. January is a slow month for most businesses around here.

akarui said...

Un joli coussin et fauteuil. Je ne vais plus tres souvent dans les magasins de jouets...

Bergson said...

il y a déjà un client qui a garé sa voiture devant le magasin et en plus sur le trottoir pour aller plus vite

Malyss said...

La deuxième boutique est plus dans mon style, déjà beaucoup d'ours , jeunes et vieux , à la maison.. Et j'aime retomber en enfance de temps en temps, ça fait du bien!

VP said...

I'd be embarassed to use a pillow with a lady on it, probably the Three Bears has something for me.

Gunn said...

We actually had a shop with the name "La Maison" in Stavanger...... years back. It was - expensive - and that might have been ONE reason for why it did not last.

Anyway, I do like these two shots. (Or should I write shops?) I just hope I will find some really nice places like this in Paris.... in 4 weeks time.....

Enjoy the SALE!;-)

Renate D. said...

Deine "Blaue-Stunden-Fotos" gefallen mir sehr! Sie sind so stimmungsvoll und haben einen besonderen Zauber!
Liebe Grüße Renate D.

donnie said...

toyshop looks fab - we should all have our portraits on cushions...

Cezar and Léia said...

Girl...please, don't give me ideas, I just love toy shops! :)

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful pillow and I like pillows. but i would love to stroll the toy store but I would keep my hands behind my back and just look. MB

Ingrid said...

It's the same here, even on the first sunday the shops were open. I stayed home, lol ! En tout cas, ce coussin n'est pas tout à fait mon goût, lol !

Tash said...

I would like both soooo much. The toy shop looks especially festive and inviting. I wonder if they have the red peddal car in a bigger size. (My son is 15 now & I do miss the days of real toys including Legos.)

Ocean showroom said...

Hello! I was out at the sale today but I didn´t find anything. :-( The chair look wonderful. Have a nice evening. Alexandra

pve design said...

Do they deliver to les etats unis?

jade said...

Oh, dieses Kissen ist ein Traum - ich liebe es.....hab ich bei uns noch nie gesehen!!!! Vielen Dank auch, für deine lieben Zeilen und einen wunderschönen Abend,

allerliebste Grüße, herzlichst Jade

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

What I wouldn't do to take my little Miette through that toy shop!

Suburban Girl said...

Yes, I would love to visit that toy shop!

Louis la Vache said...

No doubt the little boy in «Louis» would have a splendid time in that toy shop. It is rare to find this type of toy shop aux Ètats-Unis these days. Toy shops of this type were always delightful for «Louis» when he lived in France.

Louis la Vache said...

No, Jacob! No! No! No! They do NOT sell (ahem) ADULT TOYS there! Shame on you! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love these pictures. The photo of the chair and pillow is so well done and I love the toy store - great name!


Unknown said...

La Maison des 3 Ours looks absolutely lovely! Perfect for a Christmas tale.