Sunday, 3 January 2010

Fontaine Place Charost

A little while back, Laurent of Daily Photo in Paris featured a fountain: you can see it if you click here. This is the Versailles version of the fountain!
Il y a quelques temps, Laurent de Daily Photo in Paris nous montrait une fontaine parisienne que vous pouvez voir en cliquant ici. En voici une version versaillaise !


EG CameraGirl said...

I like the shape of this fountain. I wonder what it's made of. Why is it so green.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

very nice colors. I like the soft focus also.

Clueless in Boston said...

Beautiful statue. It looks so similar to the one in Paris.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

How beautiful!

Unknown said...

Happy new year to you...Thomas

Bob Crowe said...

Handsome and elegant, yes, but the colors somehow don't look French. Maybe more Italian with the yellow building.

Paulie said...

The fountain is absolutely gorgeous! I didn't stop by because you comment said you would be gone . . . soooooooooooooo now I am going to leave a comment on the ones below that I missed --at least 5!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love photos with yellow in them. This is very pretty, Ciel.


A l a i n said...

Je te souhaite une bonne et heureuse Année de lumière de passion et d'émotion; la fontaine comme Robert Doisneau très jolie.

Dina said...

Those green ladies have some muscles!

Malyss said...

C'est pas ça qu'on appelle les fontaines Wallace?C'est vrai que je les associe toujours à Paris, il n'y en n'a pas par ici.

brattcat said...

That's an amazing green!

VP said...

I'm surprised that neither you nor Laurent call these fountain with their name: Wallace fountains. They were named after the English philanthropist Richard Wallace, who financed them in the sad times after the siege of Paris and the Commune, when public water was scarce.
One of these stands even in London, just outside the Wallace Collection.

Anonymous said...


Sharon said...

Wow, beautiful!!

Leif Hagen said...

Artsy photo of the green fountain contrasted against the yellow building! Bien fait!

Small City Scenes said...

Fountains---large or small--always captivate me. This is a lovely one---of course. MB

Halcyon said...

Love the close-up details.

B SQUARED said...

And it's stunning, of course. Very beautiful!

Cergie said...

C'est une fontaine Wallace et tu sais qu'elles ont été fabriquées en Mayenne bien sûr !