Monday, 25 January 2010

De la verdure et des couleurs !

At the flower market at the moment!
En ce moment au marché aux fleurs !


Unknown said...

The pots in the second pic look so cute!

Chuck Pefley said...

Ahh! Signs of spring! Oh how I'm ready!!

Anonymous said...

We are on the verge of spring with all its fresh colours. Its fun to be in an Age thought where we can hold the feeling of springtime at any time of year.

Owen said...

Le printemps ! Enfin... merci pour toutes ces couleurs, qui nous rappellent que cet hiver va venir à sa fin... un jour...

Debbie Courson Smith said...

what a lovely blast of color

Paulie said...

Fine for the flower markets BUT winter isn't over yet so don't rush it! I want some more snow -- we only had one snowfall the whole winter so far.

Lowell said...

Things are blooming and the colors are outstanding...can't help but make you feel good!

Bob Crowe said...

1.5 euros for such a little burst of beauty? Reasonable in any currency.

Clueless in Boston said...

Seeing flowers like that make the winter a little harder to bear with still a few months of cold and snow to go.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photographs and utterly charming scenes. I love these.


James said...

Very nice and very colorful. A change from all of the gray skies that I saw last week in Californian and even now in Newtown.

tapirgal said...

A little taste of spring early in the season. Won't it be nice when we see them blooming outside?

Malyss said...

Il semblerait qu'en ce milieu d'hiver, on ait tous envie de couleur!

Olivier said...

1,50 pour voir des couleurs dans cette grisaille, c'est pas cher...ce marché aux fleurs doit etre un plaisir pour les yeux et l'odorat

VP said...

Sweet and colorful taste of spring! Maybe only in greenhouses, but the effect is great anyway.

Brabourne Farm said...

Such pretty flowers! Is there anywhere lovelier to do then visit the flower market? Leigh

Cezar and Léia said...

J'adore les fleurs! Ces violettes sont colorées!

Catherine said...

Ouf ! C'est bon signe, toutes ces couleurs...Merci de partager.

Louis la Vache said...

Nice to see the splash of color after all the cold, snowy images around the blogosphere recently!

Tammie Lee said...

beauty to my eyes~

Cergie said...

Tiens, comment as tu deviné que je regarde les fleurs en ce moment et pourtant j'en ai dans le jardin (un peu plus tard du moins j'en aurai plein)
C'est comme une envie de chocolat ou de fraise. Je me prendrais bien des bulbes comme ces jolies jacinthes mais sans primevère ou un bouquet de tulipes jaunes ou blanches. Tu as ça en stock ?

Renate D. said...

Hallo, das finde ich super!!!!
Gibt es irgendwann mal ein Foto davon, evtl. vom "work in progress"? Wäre auch auf die Stoffe neugierig.
Renate D.

crocrodyl said...

Great, it makes that I feel the spring is not far away from us!:)

Anonymous said...

Your flower collection is pretty.

Tash said...

I saw this on my blog roll - it brightened up the whole row. Well done, Ciel.

stromsjo said...

People are selling flowers out in the snow droves over here. Crazy, I know.