Saturday, 16 January 2010

Weekend Reflections: rue de Satory

For more Weekend Reflections, visit James @ Newtown Area Daily Photo.
Pour voir d'autres interprétations des reflets du weekend, faites un tour chez James !


Anonymous said...

Very nice. I like the way you framed this shot -- double fish eye!

Julie said...

Double fish from double head lights! Is this in Versailles, Ciel?

Lowell said...

Okay, double headlights. I couldn't figure that out at first. Very creative!

Have a bon weekend, my friend!

brattcat said...

You are just brilliant at these 'reflection' shots, Ciel.

Clueless in Boston said...

Nice reflection shot. Very clever.

Serendipity said...

Very clever shot. This one is my favourite :)

Louis la Vache said...

Cool! Great capture, Ciel!

Thérèse said...

So well done, bravo!

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

This is really fun to look at. Nice capture!
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Julie said...

now this is an excellent reflection. very well done!

Small City Scenes said...

Very clever shot. Interesting too. MB

Regina said...


VP said...

Reflections on a distorted view of rue the Satory. I like this, sound a serious title of something very boring...
Not your picture, which is great, twice!

cieldequimper said...

@ all: not headlights! Baubles!

@ Julie: yes, this is in Versailles!

Suburban Girl said...

Oh this is wonderful the roundness of the baubles really makes it interesting

Woody said...

I really enjoy looking at this over and over, picking up new details each time. Very captivating!

Kat said...

I like this alot! Very creative, you have a wonderful eye for reflections. The more you look, the more you see in this shot. Great job. Kathy

Anonymous said...

Very cool shot, Ciel. :-)


James Mark said...

Baubles! What a cute idea! Must get onto these theme days.

Tammie Lee said...

very interesting reflections. Fun!

VioletSky said...

oooh, very nice: close and closer of the same view!

Dimple said...

I didn't figure out what that was (I read the first few comments, and I guess they're right!). But the reflections are great!

tapirgal said...

I couldn't figure out what the "mirrors" were, either. Very nice! I especially like that the lamp post curves with the shape of the light.

Nefertiti said...

double reflexion superbe ;O)

bon dimanche

Ebie said...

Super gorgeous! It looks like headlight reflection, if not, could be side mirror. Love the lamp post.

Gena D said...

Excellent reflection shot!!!! very clever of you!
have a great day!
Gena @ Thinking Aloud
a photoblog
South Africa

Catherine said...

La rue Staory, arrondie dans les angles....Original !

Icy BC said...

What an incredible picture! I love the curve of the building in the mirror!

EG CameraGirl said...

This is very cool! You are very clever!