Friday, 29 January 2010

Weekend Reflections: dans le salon des glaces du Grand Trianon

A chandelier reflected in the mirrors of the mirrors lounge inside the Grand Trianon castle. It was Louis the 14th's council room, the mirrors and wood panelling are original (1687-89, altered in 1706). To see more Weekend Reflections, visit Newtown Area Photo! Have a great weekend!
Le salon des glaces fut le salon du conseil de Louis XIV, les miroirs et boiseries sont d'origine (1687-1689, modifiés en 1706). Pour voir d'autres Reflets du Weekend, c'est à Newtown Area Photo que ça se passe ! Bon weekend !


BaysideLife said...

Such opulent beauty. I love the blue features of the room and that chandelier is amazing. The second photo puts its grand size into perspective.

paulboo said...

Can you believe I was in Versailles many years ago and didn't go inside the palace!? I saw some of the gardens briefly that's all..! I keep promising myself I'll go back to places to see what I missed but rarely do of course!
Well at least I get to see via your excellent pictures :o)

A l a i n said...

Le magnifique reste le sublime merci pour les photos; et comme dit les Canadiens bonne fin de semaine chez toi.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Everything is wonderfully blue.

Lowell said...

Well, someone beat me to it, but I was going to say the opulence blows me away...just as it did when I visited the Versailles palace!

That's a wonderful reflection photo, Ciel, with reflections kind of bouncing all over the room...

Is the Hall of Mirrors still open in the Palace? I'll have to check - maybe I have a reflection photo taken there...

Louis la Vache said...


Bob Crowe said...

Such opulence. Unfortunately, the radiance of le roi soleil did not shine on most of the population.

James said...

That's a very fancy place. I'd like to have a tour of it.

Gunn White said...

Wow, I love this.
So many beautiful details and of course the BLUE color.- Have a nice weekend!

PERBS said...

You caught it beautifully!

VP said...

The image (or better the reflection) of opulence. Love the blue chairs.

Olivier said...

pour le theme du reflet, pas de meilleur endroit que la salle des glaces ;) un endroit magnifique

Malyss said...

Rien à faire, à chaque fois on reste scotché tellement c'est beau et riche!
j'aime le bleu des chaises, je ne me souviens pas l'avoir vu quand j'ai visité le château la dernière fois..(Ceci dit, ça commence à faire loin).
Et, non, je n'ai pas essayé le parapente, j'ai le vertige!!

James Mark said...

Sumptious shooting, but there's something in Bob Crowe's comment.

crocrodyl said...

Beautiful interior!

Diane AZ said...

Wow, gorgeous place, I love the multiple reflections!

Small City Scenes said...

WOW!! The wow factor is definitely there. Great reflection and love the blue hues.
Love the blue chairs too.

Have a great weekend! MB

Regina said...

Love the chandeliers and curtains. Gorgeous reflection!

Crafty Green Poet said...

I like the tall stateliness of the room, the chandelier is amazing...

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful chandelier and reflection. Great shot.

Cezar and Léia said...

Outstanding post dear Ciel!This chandelier reflection is absolutely unique!Bravo! :)

Suburban Girl said...

Such a beautiful place.

Carolyn Ford said...

Wow! A castle! I have enjoyed several in Europe and Japan and walked through them with huge eyes...
and a camera, of course. The reflecting glass is fabulous mixed with the blue. Beautiful capture.

isabella kramer - veredit said...

réflexion merveilleuse - le regard dans les magnificences dernières depuis longtemps. Un week-end merveilleux pour toi.

Je t'embrasse


Rune Eide said...

No one can beat a "room" like that!

Yolanda said...

This shot truly reflects the beauty and elegance of this movement! Wonderful capture and composition!

Unknown said...

The first shot is a winner! Fantastic!

Anonymous said...

The chandelier shot is beautiful. Your reflections shots are always thoughtfully composed.


Pat said...

Gorgeous! Thanks for the memory! I haven't been there in 15 years!

Anonymous said...

Reflected elegance.

VioletSky said...

Love the first chandelier reflection.
the second one makes me feel very humble... and small.

Lee Spangler said...

glass is such a great art medium. It teases and soothes the eye. Thanks for your thoughts to me. I wish you also so much well.

Kat said...

The chandelier shot is really, really nice. I love all the reflections in both of these, what a perfect subject. Kathy

Woody said...

These are both elegant and there such an abundance of details! Magnifique!

brattcat said...

How elegant, how grand.

Hilda said...

What a magnificent room! And I love how you presented it with its reflection in the mirror.

Have a happy weekend, Ciel!

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous and grand place. Awesome reflections, Ciel.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

I could look at these photos FOREVER and be transported to another century. So crisp and breathtaking. This is what I think of when I think of FRANCE!!!


maryt/theteach said...

Incredible shots, Ciel! You provide a wonderful tour of Versailles! Thank you!

Dianne said...

very beautiful!
I love the cool blue of the chairs

raf said...

Who better to give reflections the royal treatment than the sun king. Wow! Spendid images, Ciel!

Serendipity said...

Wow, that's a fabulous chandelier!

Luna said...

Dieses gespiegelte Foto ist zum Niederknien schön, das wäre ein Motiv zum Malen, wunderbar, auch wenn es unheimlich viel Arbeit wäre!!!
Danke für Deine lieben Kommentare..freue mich, daß ich Deutsch schreiben kann....
Wünsche Dir einen schönen Wochenstart!
Lg Luna

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Chandeliers and mirrors..the perfect pairing .. Beautiful image Ciel..