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Saturday, 22 May 2010
Si peu versaillais, rue du Parc de Clagny
In stark contrast to yesterday's post, here's a very 'un-Versailles' look, old warehouses (I think) rue du Parc de Clagny near this bridge. Anyone interested in the situation in Thailand could check out Allan Alexandre's blog. -------------------------- Constrastant avec le billet d'hier et très surprenants à Versailles, de vieux entrepôts (je crois) près de ce pont. Ceux intéressés par la situation en Thaïlande peuvent aller faire un tour sur le blog d'Allan Alexandre.
Hmmm...this isn't the Versailles you usually present ... needs a bit of help, I think. But it must be very, very old, whether it's a warehouse or not. Wonder what it looks like inside?
I don't know, I still think it has character and charm. And of course you would know more than me, but I still see something French in the architecture. That broken out window with the stains running down the bottom of it is very cool.
En montrant ça, tu es en train de repertorier un patrimoine indusstriel voué à disparaitre d'ici peu..Il serait interessant d e connaitre l'histoire de ce batiment!
Suis allée sur Spirithelpers: quelle belle bouffée de nature et d'air frais!!
Das stimmt, größer könnte ein Kontrast kaum sein und doch ist die Welt so und noch viel schlimmer, wie der Link auf den thailändischen Blog zeigt. Danke für beides!! und ein besonders schönes, sonniges Maiwochenende für Dich
Hmmm...this isn't the Versailles you usually present ... needs a bit of help, I think. But it must be very, very old, whether it's a warehouse or not. Wonder what it looks like inside?
wonderful rooflines.
Turn over any rock and it's not as pretty on its underside.
I wonder what the architectural influence was on this. I like it.
I don't know, I still think it has character and charm. And of course you would know more than me, but I still see something French in the architecture. That broken out window with the stains running down the bottom of it is very cool.
Wow that does look very, very old. Is it being used at all? Kinda cool looking. MB
Oh but I like this rougher side of Versailles you show us now.
Interesting these old corners ! I am off to Morocco tomorrow for a round trip !
I love the colors adn textures. Look at the contrast between this post and yesterday! A nice contrast.
En montrant ça, tu es en train de repertorier un patrimoine indusstriel voué à disparaitre d'ici peu..Il serait interessant d e connaitre l'histoire de ce batiment!
Suis allée sur Spirithelpers: quelle belle bouffée de nature et d'air frais!!
This looks like some part of Livorno...
Indeed, quite a contrast to Grand Trianon.
Das stimmt, größer könnte ein Kontrast kaum sein und doch ist die Welt so und noch viel schlimmer, wie der Link auf den thailändischen Blog zeigt. Danke für beides!! und ein besonders schönes, sonniges Maiwochenende für Dich
je t'embrass
Oh, I'm enjoying this image soooo much more. So much more thought provoking today.
For some reason, I am fascinated by old, run down buildings and this is no exception. Excellent!
Allan's photos are excellent, but very sad. It's important to document what is going on, but I'm not sure I could photograph those situations.
A differing contrast, but still I like the architecture.
I like finding old places like this. It looks very interesting.
A day trip to Versailles is at the top of our list. It will be our first time there.
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