Thursday 29 October 2009

Que la nature est belle !

Seen in the palace grounds, not very long ago...
Vu dans le domaine royal il n'y a pas si longtemps...


VP said...

A new surprising macro trend with absolutely clear and interesting images. Same camera?

akarui said...

De jolies macros. Meme la libellule a mis sa tenue d'automne :)

tapirgal said...

You're getting some great pix with that macro. Having fun, too, I imagine!

Lowell said...

A real visual taste of the palace grounds...up close and delightful. Beautiful sharp and colorful images, Ciel!

Julie said...

i love macro shots. great images. and how do you keep the insect still long enough to take photos, that is always a challenge.

That is the chicken said...

The colour on those berries is gorgeous!

Mario said...

Deux très belles macro (surtout la première: wow!)

Bob Crowe said...

Are they cherries or some other fruit? Does the insect like to eat them? I probably would.

Anonymous said...

Ah! Reminders of summer.

Clueless in Boston said...

Very nice close ups; they do seem to be reminders of warmer weather.

heidi said...

While you are sleeping I am viewing. Great shots!

BaysideLife said...

Gorgeous macro. Such a pretty insect. Is it a dragon fly or a damsel fly? I can never tell the difference. The last fruit of the season still make for a lovely photo.

Lee Spangler said...

The beauty in small living things!

cieldequimper said...

@VP: yes, still the small blue Canon point and shoot. I'm quite content with it but in time, I'll invest in something bigger...

@Bayside Life: I assumed this was a dragonfly, now you've got me wondering.

glduro_marieloupe said...

Tres joli, Ciel! Les cerises semblent delicieuses!

Les photos sont ete prises a la fin du jour ou au matin? La lumiere est formidable!

causeries said...


Cezar and Léia said...

Une photo sensationnelle (magnifique)!
Oui, la nature est la mère qui prend bien soin leurs (?)des (?) enfants et nous donne la chaleur et la beauté tous les jours!
Léia :)

James said...

Ah nature's beautiful colors.

Halcyon said...

Are those cherries? Very nice macro shots. I can never get close enough to dragonflies without them flying away!

Unknown said...

Bien sure qu'elle est belle! Your photos prove that!

Tammie Lee said...

Nature at the palace, lovely to see!

Dagrun said...

Je suis d'accord, la nature est très belle:)
J'aime bien la seconde en fait; jolies coleurs.

cieldequimper said...

@ those who asked: I wouldn't eat these! Not cherries, just berries (ooh I'm rhyming!) and I'm really not sure these are edible.

PERBS said...

Great dragonfly but of a color I have never seen before. Nice macro too. I came by to see your colored leaves but saw this instead. . .

Bergson said...

il va lui falloir se mettre à l'abri vite fait