Versailles' Montreuil neighbourhood is a calm, residential area with pretty houses... and flowering horse chestnuts!
Le quartier de Montreuil est résidentiel et calme, avec de jolies maisons... et des marronniers en fleurs !
The setting has a lot of charm. The pink flowers and blue tile on the house compliment each other.
I suppose I could force myself to live there if I had to...
What would it take? When could I move in? I want to live in France!
Looks very pretty, especially with all those flowering horse chestnuts.
I have never seen pink horse chestnuts. They are amazing. I would love to look out my window and see those flowers.
Beautiful Flowers...Talk about Charming.
I love the detailing on French houses. The tiles are stunning!
An idyllic neighbourhood I think. The perfect place to live maybe?
The horse chestnut trees in our area are in bloom right now. I certainly haven't seen a single pink on here. That is beautiful.
Dream house in a quartier de rêve.
I think the red flowering ones are American horse chestnuts. They dont produce conkers though.
The tile work is very appealing, adds much to the home.
On en viendrait presque à aimer la région parisienne...;-)
Wonderful picture!
Great angle! I like blooming chestnuts - Nowy Sacz is now full of them:)
Une bien jolie banlieue!!
Gorgeous floral display
Ah Montreuil ! Ma fille avait une chambre chez l'habitant dans ce type de petite maison jolie comme tout (il n'y avait plus d'internat à l'époque au Lycée La Bruyère et elle était interne externée, qu'en est-il de l'internat aujourd'hui ?)
C'est beau aussi les marroniers roses en fleur, quoique ce ne soit pas un arbre dont je raffole.
So pretty. Those pink flowering trees are beautiful!
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