Monday 25 May 2009


In March, I showed you the palace orangerie in its winter attire. Now, of course, the trees are outside! So here is a general view with the "Swiss" water in the background.
En mars, je vous montrais l'orangerie dans ses couleurs d'hiver. Maintenant, évidemment, les arbres sont de sortie, voici donc une vue générale avec la pièce d'eau des Suisses au second plan.


Cezar and Léia said...

Very beautiful view!What a nice spring!

Owen said...

Looks almost too beautiful to be real... are you sure it's not a movie set left over from the filming of Marie Antoinette ? Hope all is well in Versailles !

Tash said...

Time to publish your own travel book on Varsaille. Fantastic photo - really amazing. (I'm adding it to my faves of CDP photos.)

stromsjo said...

Well composed and a great sight now that those trees have been brought back where they belong.

Clueless in Boston said...

Beautiful composition, and scene.

That is the chicken said...

Wow! Whata difference between summer and winter! I like the summer version much better!

Bob Crowe said...

How exquisite. No wonder the peasants resented them.

Lowell said...

It's hard to beat that place. It's a-maze-ing!

Another wonderful shot, Ciel! I like the panoramic view!

Julie said...

I really enjoyed the L'Orangerie. Your photo brings back great memories. Your photos was very artistic and shows the beauty of garden design in a formal manner. truly excellent photo for today!

Hilda said...

What a fantastic garden! And a marvelous photo!

Olivier said...

la vue est magnifique, elle fait penser a un immense labyrinthe.

VP said...

Wonderful composition of shapes and shades. Great interpretation of Le Nôtre by Ciel...

Frankie / Nick said...

Gorgeous, how artistic and very very attractive.

Arnaud said...

Certainement une des plus belles parties du chateau

Cergie said...

J'ai visité dans l'Ain le château St Bernard, qui fut quelques temps la demeure d'Utrillo et de Valadon. Le proprio actuel a aménagé un beau jardin labyrinthique, cela ressemble à cette orangerie de Versailles mais en trois dimensions
Et en plus petit il faut bien l'avouer !
PS : I'm back !

Carlos Lorenzo said...

Ahh...this is astonishing. I love this view from above. It is great to appreciate the shapes better this way. The shades give it the final geometric touch.

Bergson said...

tu fais de la montgolfière ??

Tinsie said...

WOW! This is really impressive. I'd love to visit the Versailles some time.

Catherine said...

Moi qui n'aime pas particulièrement les jardins à la française, je dois reconnaître que c'est magnifique, vu sous cet angle. Sur la pointe des pieds ? : )

alice said...

Su-per-be! Et avec les ombres des arbres en pot, c'est encore mieux! On dit que la taille, ça défoule... Ici, on imagine sans peine le travail que cela demande...

Ineke said...


B SQUARED said...

Great angle, beautiful shot.

Emma Bond said...

So grand and beautiful. I would love to go there! Reminds me a bit of our Hampton Court Palace, but not on quite such a huge scale!

crocrodyl said...

Oh! This is so beautiful place! Excellent photo! I wish to visit this place!:)

Becky said...

A perfect angle, a perfect subject, and a perfect shot. Well done! I remembered the winter shot and I really liked it. This is beautiful, as well. What a lovely place.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing what they did in those days! And a bit scary.

EG CameraGirl said...

This is a gorgeous place but the shadows make it all the more stunning. I'm impressed!

Rob said...

Gorgeous! I am amazed, this building to winter these trees must be quite large.

Unknown said...

Fantastic shot! Absolutely beautiful!

Sharon said...

Gorgeous, I love the pattern and the beautiful greens.


Passages to the Past said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous! I second what Tash said about creating a book with all of your photos!

Stefan Jansson said...

Wow. And wow again!

Trojan Gordon said...

Simply beautiful - Us Europeans have something really special and this picture is a representation of beauty and history.

Unseen India Tours said...

This is An Amazing Location !!! Very well Captured !!

Ada said...

Cette photo est d'une beauté!
Je regarde vos photos avec tant de joie et de mélancholie, je me rappelle le temps passé en France. Ah, les beaux jours :)
J'étais seulement deux fois à Versailles, je suis sous le charme! Merci :)

Ada (Cracovie, Pologne)

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

C'est tout simplement merveilleux

Thirtytwo degrees said...

Louis XIV loved orange trees, so this is very special. Thanks for sharing.