Saturday, 30 May 2009

Monsieur de la Quintinie

This is the creator of the King's vegetable garden, Jean-Baptiste de la Quintinie (1624-1688), standing watching the plants grow. A gardener and agronomist, he imagined the garden and made it happen in an area that was nothing but marshes.
Voici le créateur du potager du roi, Jean-Baptiste de la Quintinie (1624-1688), observant son oeuvre, dans une zone qui n'était à l'époque que marécages. Ceux qui voudraient en savoir plus sur le jardinier et agronome peuvent cliquer ici.


PERBS said...

I shall have to look him up and find out a little more about his garden plans. Sounds like a wodnerful project!

PERBS said...

I meant wonderful.

VP said...

Interesting statue honoring a gardener (and agronimist). A well deserved monument.

Lowell said...

Two very excellent shots. From what we saw, this man certainly deserves a statue as he did a magnificent job...and I'm glad to see him continue to look over his work.

Clueless in Boston said...

I like your second shot with the flower in the foreground, matching the one Monsieur Quintinie is holding in his hand. Nice composition.

Anonymous said...

I love the second also, with the rose in the foreground. Beautifully done. Your use of color is always so fresh.


Dina said...

He makes an elegant "scarecrow" for his garden.

Catherine said...

Son potager éternel lui a survécu.....on peut même acheter la production, il me semble.
Il ne me manquait que son nom, pour qu'il passe à la postérité. C'est fait.

crocrodyl said...

He deserved on such statue:) He did a great job, no doubt!

Unknown said...

Gardeners had such important roles those days! The 2nd shot is lovely!

Small City Scenes said...

Well good for him!!! I am making a garden where there was nothing but big trees and nobody is building a statue for me. ha!! MB

Unknown said...

Too often the gardener or designer of these parks and gardens are forgotten. I think it's great that this one is not!

raf said...

Lovely compositions, Ciel. The king certainly knew the importance of eating his veggies.

Becky said...

That's a really cool bit of history. I also really like that second photo with the beautiful rose in the forefront.

EG CameraGirl said...

I very much seeing gardeners appreciated. ;-)

stromsjo said...

Just goes to show that imagination can change the world. Well captured.

tapirgal said...

I didn't seet this post before. Thanks for the hint about the key words. I love what you did with the flower in the foreground!