Tuesday 5 May 2009

La grande écurie du Roy : détail

Last week, I first posted a picture of the royal stables. Here is a detail, these are the horses bursting out from above the main portal.
La semaine dernière, je postais une photo des écuries royales. En voici un détail, les chevaux jaillissant du portail central.


Jane Hards Photography said...

They do look like they are about to jump out at you. Marvellous carvings.

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello dear Ciel!
Amazing shot! I'm always fascinated with this subject, I mean "horses"! :-) and of course "architecture details"
Kind regards from Brazil

Owen said...

Hi Ciel, this looks like the Horse Museum in Chantilly . . . have you been there ?

Did a little piece about Wisteria (a few posts down now) for you... take a look if you have a minute ...
Best, Owen

That is the chicken said...

These horses look as if they are about to gallop off down the street...they're incredibly vibrant!

Lowell said...

Now that's what I call horse sculpture. You just had to show me up, didn't you?


Rob said...

I am amazed at the attention to detail in your architecture.

Olivier said...

belles sculptures, on les imagine bien sauter hors des grandes ecuries

VP said...

Those are the wildest and longest manes I have ever seen. Great image.

Hilda said...

"Bursting out" is very accurate. Fantastic!

Bergson said...

mais resten ils quelques chevaux dans ces écuries ??

Laurent said...

Je vais essayer de suivre ton conseil et voir le spectacle

Catherine said...

Prêts à sauter de leur boxes.
Ils annoncent le programme.
Ils veulent retrouver celui de Louis XIV qui s'est repointé en face ?

stromsjo said...

Wow. If I ever had that kind of hairstyle, it must have been ages ago!

Anonymous said...

In those days they knew how to decorate. Cool!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous detail! They seem to be alive!

B SQUARED said...

And it's a stable? Amazing.

Unknown said...

Beautiful details. These horses look like they are jumping out of the stone.

Clueless in Boston said...

That is spectacular. I'm amazed nothing has broken off.

Marie-Noyale said...

Une qualite du travail qui survit le passage des siecles!!

Russ said...

Love the close up view!

Don and Krise said...

Very nice indeed. Love the architectural shots.

cieldequimper said...

@ Owen: yes, I have been to Chantilly, a long long time ago!

cieldequimper said...

@Jacob: you know, I hadn't even realised my faux pas. Thank you for making me aware of it. ;-)

EG CameraGirl said...

I love seeing the detail! Thanks, Ciel.

crocrodyl said...

Excellent details!

Cergie said...

Un magnifique exemple de haut-relief...