Monday, 2 February 2009


Three days into this Daily Blog and I already have to apologize. It snowed quite heavily last night and this morning in greater Paris, indeed in all of northern France and Great Britain, Spain and other European countries. Then it rained for most of the day so that when I came home from work, needless to say that what was left of the snow was very sparse and of course, it was pitch dark. So all I have to offer is this morning's picture, certainly not my best!
Au bout de trois jours de ce blog quotidien me voilà déjà contrainte de vous présenter des excuses. Il a neigé, beaucoup neigé la nuit dernière et ce matin. Puis, il a plu une bonne partie de la journée de telle sorte que lorsque je suis rentrée du travail, non seulement il ne restait plus grand chose, mais en plus, il faisait nuit. Je n'ai donc que cette photo de ce matin à vous mettre sous la dent, certainement pas ma plus grande réussite !


Sterl the Pearl's Daily Pics of Boulder said...

I like your picture. Its a 'slice of life'. Welcome to CDP! I look foward to seeing more of your work.

Bigouden Atao said...

Bienvenue dans la communauté !
Je vois que Versailles n'échappe pas à la neige tout comme la Bretagne ...

SH -ic said...

super gutes deutsch.. ich brauch zeit .. sonst verführt das blogging .. lol

alice said...

Bienvenue parmi les CDPB et merci de ta visite chez moi! Ce n'est pas la période de l'année la plus facile pour trouver de quoi alimenter son p'tit blog tous les jours...Mais ne te fais pas de souci, le printemps sera bientôt là, on y croit, on y croit! En attendant, c'est un plaisir de revoir Versailles, j'ai habité non loin de là pendant quelque temps. Bonne journée!

Becky said...

As Alice said, bienvenue! Thanks for commenting on my blog, as well. I try to keep up with everyone else's but there are so many great ones out there that it's hard. I hope you enjoy being a part of this community.

This photo may not be your best, but it is FAR from your worst. For those of us who don't get to experience France every day, this is a "slice of life" shot - what a typical street looks like under a typical dusting of snow. What typical cars look like, and what typical buildings have as facades. It's an intriguing shot, and I enjoyed it. I look forward to more from you.

Arctic Dakini said...

Ah...are you enjoying the snow? This is what we live with...almost 9 months of the year. Don't worry - yours will soon be gone!