The most effective thing about this picture to me is the contrast between the cool tones of the walls and the warm tones behind he altar. Really pulls my eye in.
Thanks again for your recent comments. You really should associate your blog with City Daily Photo Blogs - much easier to catch your new posts that way.
This is an exquisite church. I like the altar very much. The flowers there on the steps? Can you explain that? Here we would have flowers on the altar. I'm wondering if it is your custom to leave them there in someone's memory perhaps? V
@Virginia: I'm blushing here, because I don't know. :-( There are often flowers on the altar during Holy Mass, but I don't know if and why they are put down.
une bonne idée, cet autel est grandiose et magnifique
Great building! Very monumetally!
Beautiful interior! The modern altar and candlesticks do fit there.
Les courbes se répondent, du sol à la voûte, superbe.
Beautiful interior and so full of light. Wonderful.
I'm back to say that my blog tomorrow will have a thank you for the award you gave me. ;-)
Thank you for going into the cathedral and bringing us such a beautiful photograph. It looks warm and inviting as opposed to some cathedrals.
The most effective thing about this picture to me is the contrast between the cool tones of the walls and the warm tones behind he altar. Really pulls my eye in.
Thanks again for your recent comments. You really should associate your blog with City Daily Photo Blogs - much easier to catch your new posts that way.
A fabulous capture of the gorgeous structure and alter. Such historical treasures are becoming rare. Treasure your beautiful cathedral.
It's so open and full with light. As someone said, very inviting. Wonderful image!
Good lighting.
Ca valait le coup d'attendre !!! Merci :o)
Encore merci pour l'award !
Mise en place ce week end sur mon blog car je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps.
This is an exquisite church. I like the altar very much. The flowers there on the steps? Can you explain that? Here we would have flowers on the altar. I'm wondering if it is your custom to leave them there in someone's memory perhaps?
This is beautiful.....I can see why one would want to see it again....
@Virginia: I'm blushing here, because I don't know. :-( There are often flowers on the altar during Holy Mass, but I don't know if and why they are put down.
Very pretty and so bright inside.
Thanks for the tour!
What I really like is the very soft whitish tone, which creates a special atmosphere.
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