Versailles - Royal city -
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Un blog de photos quotidiennes depuis 2009 -
A daily photo blog since 2009
Sunday, 28 November 2010
A gagner à la fête foraine
To be won at the funfair! Made me smile! And I had to laugh when I saw the intruder can, I hadn't noticed it when I took the photo. I should be on my way back today, so VDP will have its pilot back! -------------------------- J'ai souri... J'ai même rigolé quand j'ai vu la canette intruse que je n'avais pas remarquée ne prenant la photo ! Je suis sur le chemin du retour, VDP retrouve son pilote à partir de demain !
I think it is funny how the can colors match the dolls. :-)
Who would have thought that the colors could be a perfect match? Made me smile too!
I will be just as happy sans Tweety or Hello Kitty. The can does make an interesting conversation piece though.
What a fun picture! LOL I love Tweety Bird. Tweety reminds me of my grandma (Tweety was my grandma's favorite cartoon character). :D
moi j'ai cru voir un gros minet
quoi il n'y a pas de pilote dans VDP !!
My Tweety was angrier, a few days ago...
Have a nice trip back home.
MOI MOI MOI j'en veux un titi (mais aussi un le gros minet qui va avec)
Comme Bergson, premier reflexe: chercher le gros minet! qu'est-ce qu'on est conditionné, quand même !!
The "intruder" can is fun! It's interesting when we realize details in the photos which we hadn't noticed when shooting...
God bless you!
Oh Tweety Bird---I thought I thaw a puddy cat!!!!
It is funny how the intruder can matches up. MB
Look at the birdie! Fun photo. Now, I'm wondering why that can is in there. Safe travels.
Baby Tweety birds. Adorable.
a fun photo!
Did you win a Tweety bird? Cute. I'd probably give it a try. You know, to win one for the grandkids...
Chere amie - merci mille fois pour le "Christmas Tree" widget!
Joyeux Noel!
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