Saturday 14 November 2009

Weekend Reflections : reflets à côté du Grand Canal

The sun and a cloud reflected in a side basin of the Grand Canal in the palace grounds for James' Weekend Reflections. This photo was taken end of October.
Le soleil et un nuage sont reflétés dans un bassin jouxtant le Grand Canal dans le parc du château, fin octobre. Pour voir d'autres Reflets du Weekend, rendez-vous chez James.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting and effective photo. The tiny figures in the background give a sense of scale while enlivening your photo.

Lowell said...

j'adore! This is one of the nicest reflection photos I've seen. Super job, Ciel!

And you can make fun of my "French" if you wish! :-))

Anonymous said...

C'est incroyable, cieldequimper! :)

Icy BC said...

That's beautiful! I think I see the sun and cloud too!

XoXo said...

Amazing and like this...

akarui said...

Joli vue a contre jour sur le grand canal.
Bon weekend!

Anonymous said...

Well done!

Lee Spangler said...

visited your last posts and appreciated the WW1 references. People today have no idea how bad that war was. My grandfather is at Le Cateau. 500,000 dead at the Marne alone, I love the reflection in the pool, soothing and well composed.

Ebie said...

Very lovely cloud and sun reflection!

Carletta said...

Wow! Love the reflection!
Both of your posts this week are wonderful!

Thérèse said...

Bien sur l'oeil va se perdre au fond du bassin là-bas... Une photo tout d'abord intriguante.

Dina said...

A "grand" reflection!

VP said...

Perfect reflection, October looks much better than July to be there...

Rune Eide said...

The sun out of the water - a vision not to be missed.

FO - 2 said...

Beautiful memory from a sunny day.
Great! :)

James said...

First of all this is a beautiful picture. I think it's great that you can post only the water yet we get to see the sky too. That's why I love reflections.

Diane AZ said...

Beautiful and unusual! Almost like two photos in one with many fascinating elements to discover.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Be sure to enlarge the view of this one. Very nice!

Small City Scenes said...

That is so neat. I love reflections and this one is AWESOME!!! MB

Barbara Martin said...

Very nicely done of the park pool with reflections of the sky.

Unknown said...

You took great advantage of the non working fountains. Well done, lovely shot!
Also like the cemetery series very much.

tapirgal said...

Very nice reflection of the cloud, dramatic lighting.

Re: The Astoria Column. Yes, the photo is especially for you. Their names are at the top in huge letters, too, along with Jacob's name: John Jacob Astor.

PJ said...

What a view! You are so lucky to live in such a place. I'll bet you just walk out the door and go a short distance in any direction to find great subject matter.

Malyss said...

La douceur d'un nuage flottant.. ça pourrait être le titre d'un poème japonais, c'est juste un reflet splendide, une photo magnifique dans la lumière de l'automne..

Zyzzyz said...

Such a splendid reflection.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

Marvellous - I love the little reflection of the car on the left middle.

Kat said...

Beautiful! Love the cloud and sun on the one side, and the beautiful dapples on the water on the other. Great shot. Kathy

Buck said...

You always find a beautiful photo.

Marie-Noyale said...

Un joli soucil pour le soleil!!

Cezar and Léia said...

Mais je pense que ces réflexions sont parfaites!J'ai aimé la lumière et les paysages romantiques de cette photo!