Wednesday 18 November 2009

Wednesday Doorway: inside the Petit Trianon castle

A detail of a door inside the Petit Trianon, queen Marie-Antoinette's estate in the palace grounds.
Détail d'une porte du Petit Trianon, le domaine de Marie-Antoinette.


VP said...

This is quite a door! I like the ornate white with the patch of brass (I hope it isn't gold!).

akarui said...

Jolis details sur cette porte et les poignees couleur or se detachent bien.

Clueless in Boston said...

Beautiful details in the door.

Leif Hagen said...

Fantastic, over-the-top doorway! Great details!

Lowell said...

I think in all of the buildings at Versailles, nothing was left to chance...the intricate detail and incredibly skillful craftsmanship have certainly stood the test of time.

EG CameraGirl said...

Even the doors and knobs are elegant! I bet the details area pain to keep dust free, though. ;-)

Olivier said...

beau détail, je mettrais bien l'œil dans le petit trou de la serrure ;o)

Small City Scenes said...

The detail is beautiful. How come we don't have doors like this anymore?

If I could send you an Eagle I would. MB

Unseen India Tours said...

Nice shot !! Information too is great !!Unseen Rajasthan

Gunn said...

So much STYLE! Beautiful details!

Cezar and Léia said...

J'ai vraiment apprécié les détails et d'ornements blanches.

B SQUARED said...

If someone were to duplicate that door today, I bet it might cost as much as some homes.

Halcyon said...

Beautiful details. It is a pity we don't have doors like this anymore.

brattcat said...

Stunning detail shot.
Ciel, you are so observant. Yes, the image on my site today is the same place I showed a few days ago. It's a series of granite ledges over which the water runs in fascinating configurations.

Rob Siemann said...

Quelle beauté dans les details!

stromsjo said...

Gunn is right. Style in the best sense of the word.

Diane AZ said...

I especially like the white carved flowers, fabulous details!

Anonymous said...

How elegant and still in great condition after all these years.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous detail!

Carlos Lorenzo said...

Oh what a beautiful door detail. The metal work is fabulous.

tapirgal said...

I'm sure I'd enjoy a visit there. Thanks for visiting the Astoria Column while I was away for a few days. By the way (although this one is very ornate), we would call it a doorknob, because it's round(ish) and you turn it. The door handle to the column is just that - a handle. It doesn't turn, it's open and you hold onto it - it's a handle. I wish I knew enough French to be worried about these distinctions!

Sharon said...

What gorgeous woodwork. The carving is beautiful.


Crafty Green Poet said...

une porte magnifique!