Hier, au marché aux fleurs. J'ai un appareil photo de substitution en attendant d'en racheter un !
Hier, au marché aux fleurs. J'ai un appareil photo de substitution en attendant d'en racheter un !
CDP Blogger A. is still missing in Tehran. Today, the CDP community is posting in support of his freedom.

Flower markets like this are so common in Europe (I immediately think of Amsterdam's) and we just don't have very many. The blossoms wouldn't last long with the heat much of our country is experiencing.
May the flowers represent the legitimate aspirations of the Iranian people. May they bloom again soon.
Thank you for your post. The world is watching.
Thanks for posting such lovely flowers for the people of Iran.
I like your Iran poster very much!
The flower market shot is yummy! Brilliant colors! Did you make a small purchase?
Is your substitute camera an "unreal" camera? If so, I'd like to borrow it and shoot some unreal people I know! ;-)
Did you hear about the Iranians' new tactic? They will gather in their markets — no slogans, no green, no indication at all that they are protesting. They will just pretend to shop but will not leave the markets. Their government cannot close the markets down because they are the backbone of the economy. And the people cannot be dispersed, violently or peacefully, because they are not 'protesting.' So this is a very appropriate post!
De tres belles fleurs toutes colorees. Le marche de Versailles est un tres beau marche dans mes souvenirs.
Je viens de t'envoyer un email.
We can only hope to give a voice to those that can't and wish they bloom to fruition like the flowers.
I'd love to a visitor to that market!
Wow beautiful photo....Barb
Thank you for joining us, I hope that by adding our voices we can raise awareness and let people know they are not forgotten by the rest of the world.
exceptional!! Thank you. MB
excellent photo and commentary to support the people of Iran who want their vote counted and to support our missing fellow city daily photo blogger who we hope is released from custody soon.
Un petit marché bien coloré, puisque tu as pris cette photo, tu es donc dehors.....la mécanique reprend du service ! Bionne chose à l'approche des congés.
Une pensée pour la liberté d'expression en Iran, et pour tout ce qui s'y passe, effectivement.
Lovely picture, it's not the camera that count.
Beautiful place. Thanks for joining to support Iranians!
The market theme is brilliant
Beautiful Ciel! Thanks !
Interesting to read Hilda's comment and so to see how appropriate your post is. A lovely mix of flowers. Let's hope our blogger is set free and eventually the people of Iran can vote and it counts.
Le vert est la couleur que je préfère car elle est l'oxygène la liberté et la vie.
J'aime bien les jardins très structurés (message précédent, jolis cones), de plus en plus ; je ne pense pas que je pourrais me passer de fleurs mais les topiaires et les grandes lignes sont reposants, très "Feng Shui", même s'ils viennent d'Italie.
Nice Ciel. Take it easy with the knee.
Although the colors are all heightened and bluish, it is a treat for the eye with all those colorful flowers (now very bright - I love blue and purple!). Let's hope our Iran blogger is alright!
A beautiful choice to honor our fellow blogger!
Flowers for 'A' and all the others in Iran! Beautiful, Ciel!
Two friends, who have been giving news the whole week, have confirmed:
Wonderful post and great news, Amir is back!
La terre n'appartiens par à l'homme, c'est homme qui appartiens à la terre il y a un long chemin encore puisque nous sommes tous de passage sur cette terre, il y a eu un avant il aura un après ceux qui veulent nous apprendre le monde souvenez vous de tout ce que vous faite car quand on part pour le "grand voyage " on n’emporte pas ce que on a été a mais ce qu’on a été humainement parlant !! Mon pays c'est la vie.
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