Tuesday 23 June 2009

La grille de la cour extérieure du château

This is a detail of the palace outer gates.


VP said...

Great detail of literally golden gates.

Lowell said...

When I first saw those gates, I stood in awe - they are so beautiful! I took several photos of them, of course...but no close-up of the detail like this.

This is a special photo! Thanks!

crocrodyl said...

Looks like made from the gold:) Excellent detail!

Hilda said...

Magnificent details! And that's just the gate. The palace must be awesome.

Cezar and Léia said...

Amazing shot!This is a great detail!

Clueless in Boston said...

The gates are so ornate. I can't imagine how they were made or how much they cost. Nice closeup.

James said...

Very beautiful and historic. I also like your photo perspective.

Olivier said...

même pas traduit en Français aujourd'hui ;o)). Ce detail de cette grille est magnifique

J'espère que de ton canapé, tu as pu entendre la musique dans les rues.

B SQUARED said...

Such beautiful work. The time just to conceive it must have been long.

Unknown said...

This is fantastic! So powerful!

Ciel, one of the CDP bloggers is missing! Please visit my page. Thank you.

Small City Scenes said...

Great detail. It is amazing that those small pieces haven't snapped off after all these years. Beautiful though. MB

EG CameraGirl said...

So ornate and you captured all the details!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous and intricate.

You asked if I knew what nonpariel meant in French. No I don't but would love to know?

cieldequimper said...

@Olivier : mais le titre parle de lui-même, non ? ;-)

Lee Spangler said...

It is wonderful to see how much care was taken with the artwork. Today everything is so functional. Love the cornucopia on the left.