Tuesday 9 June 2009

Théâtre de rue : le mois Molière

One of the rare opportunities I will have to enjoy 2009 Molière month was last Saturday. I watched some pretty good and funny commedia dell'arte or improvisation acting by the Carlo Boso amateurs, just in front of Saint-Louis cathedral. Among the audience on the cathedral's steps were many young scouts, a favourite activity for youngsters in Versailles.
Une des rares chances que j'aurai de profiter du mois Molière 2009 était samedi où j'ai apprécié un moment assez délirant de commedia dell'arte par les comédiens du stage de Carlo Boso, sur le parvis de la cathédrale Saint-Louis. Parmi le public assis sur les marches de la cathédrale se trouvaient de nombreux scouts, une activité fort appréciée des jeunes versaillais.


EG CameraGirl said...

Very cool! I can't think of anything like that happens around here. I hope the scouts know what a treat they are witnessing!

That is the chicken said...

I am beginning to think that everyone in Versailles spends all their time dressed up! I love the shot from the back of the crowd.

Cezar and Léia said...

It must have been really interesting to see such a play!
Great shots!

Lowell said...

This is the kind of thing you rarely see in the States...so interesting and exciting, even. Super shots, Ciel!

Clueless in Boston said...

That looks great. A few saw horses, a cloth backdrop and voila! A stage and a play to capture the audience's imagination.

Olivier said...

tu ne vas plus chez le dentiste ;o). du spectacle vivant dans les rues, c'est vraiment bien et je trouve qu'il y en a pas assez.

Neva said...

I love the berets! Looks like it was fun!

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting. Thanks for sharing a bit of your world :)

Sharon said...

What fun! You did a great job catching the actors in such dynamic poses.


Dave said...

Now I'm having trouble with your feeds. I love live theatre, even its bad.

Hilda said...

I haven't attended improv theater in years — so fun! Magnificent backdrop and your scouts have such cute uniforms.

VP said...

Basic stage, great background and wonderful colours.

B SQUARED said...

Hope they are careful up there. That stage doesn't look too safe.

Becky said...

This looks super fun! Glad you got to enjoy it - and that the youngsters are getting a dose of culture, too.

Halcyon said...

What a wonderful idea! I love outdoor theater.

Antjas said...

When I first read the description and before I saw thee 2nd picture, I thought you meant talent scouts. I suppose there may have been some of those in the audience as well, looking for new talent. What fun!

Lee Spangler said...

My girlfriend and I love your site because we like going to France and it reminds us of wonderful experiences. I read Moliere in college and enjoyed Tartuffe especially. I also liked the recent movie about him and his theater.
Thanks for visiting my site and enjoying the fire truck.

Dina said...

Nice Scout uniforms too. Not like our tan ones.

Laurent said...

Great for Molière but ... I really do not fancy the "Scout" aspect of Versailles !

Tammie Lee said...

This looks fantastic! I would have loved to have been there, with you.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea.

I remember studying Moliere (Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme) at school more years ago than I want to admit! I really enjoyed his humour.


Bergson said...

Les couts sont toujours prêts même pour le théâtre

Bergson said...

les Scouts

Catherine said...

Une photo qui me rappelle le film "Molière".
Le spectzcle tel qu'il devait être représenté à l'époque.
Oui, qu'est ce qu'il y a comme scouts à Versailles !

tapirgal said...

Fantastic! It's so much fun to see this with the wonderful setting of the old buildings.