Saturday, 9 April 2016

Petites touches de printemps

Parc du centre spirituel des soeurs du Cénacle Versailles
Small yellow touches of spring...

Primevères officinales dans le parc du Centre Spirituel des Sœurs du Cénacle.
Parc du centre spirituel des soeurs du Cénacle Versailles
Parc du centre spirituel des soeurs du Cénacle Versailles
Parc du centre spirituel des soeurs du Cénacle Versailles


Kate said...

Very attractive blossoms and lovely reflections.

Taken For Granted said...

I see you have been enjoying your time in the park. I've been enjoying your photos as well.

Revrunner said...

Makes me think of my post tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Very beautiful...

Dave said...

Cowslips are one of my favourites. We have some in the garden and they thrive, but spread everywhere. Years ago they were in decline in the fields, mainly because they were picked to make Cowslip wine.

VP said...

Lovely signs of a nice spring...

William Kendall said...

They are a cheerful sight, Ciel.

Lowell said...

Your excellent photo skills are on display again. That first shot is just magnificent. Spring is glorious in Versailles!

Sharon said...

These are making me want to go for a hike somewhere! Beautiful shots.

Gunn said...

Looks pretty where you are.

Revrunner said...

Ach! That's my post tomorrow. Well, almost. :-)

RedPat said...

What lovely pics those are, Ciel!

Daryl said...

so pretty .. are they relative of daffodils?

joo said...

In Polish we call them Pierwisnki:) Spring is there for good!