Friday, 15 April 2016

L'Archange Michel

Eglise Saint Michel Versailles Porchefontaine
You have seen this sculpture of the Archangel Michael before (though not with the catkins of the hop hornbeam tree, one of Versailles' remarkable trees!) It was here in 2011. More to come tomorrow...

Vous aviez déjà vu l'Archange Michel sur ce blog, c'était ici en 2011, quoique sans les chatons du charme houblon, l'un des arbres remarquables de Versailles. La suite demain...
Eglise Saint Michel Versailles Porchefontaine


William Kendall said...

An impressive sculpture- fitting of Michael.

Lois said...

Love the sculpture! That tree is interesting too.

Revrunner said...

Lovely garden.

Unknown said...

Great, there seems to be be so many hidden 'secret' spots in Versailles...have a good weekend..

Dina said...

The catkins actually go very well with Michael (in that first picture)!

Halcyon said...

He looks very nice surrounded by those flowers.

VP said...

A quite good statue... and a nice English bench!

Lowell said...

It's a nice, clean sculpture. Michael is my wife's favorite angel, archangel etc.

Sharon said...

That is a remarkable tree. I love the way it frames the second photo.

RedPat said...

A beautiful setting for this sculpture, Ciel!

Small City Scenes said...

very neat. i like Michael anyway

joo said...

The first photo is awesome!
Have a great weekend, Ciel:)

andrew1860 said...

Wow! Beautiful photograph. I did not know this sculpture was in Versailles! I will have to discover it the next time I visit!