Wednesday, 13 April 2016


Camp de Satory Versailles
Ten days ago, we had a very, very warm day. It doesn't look like a warm day! VDP had intended to go to the palace but turned back when she saw the crowds... Instead, she went to Satory, the military zone of Versailles, a long succession of barracks and high security buildings, including that of the GIGN, the National Gendarmerie Intervention Group. You had previously seen a Gendarmerie building on VDP here.

Il y a dix jours, il faisait chaud, bien qu'on ne dirait pas sur ces photos. VDP avait l'intention de se rendre au château mais a fait demi-tour vu le monde ! Elle est allée se promener au camp militaire de Satory, où est basé notamment le GIGN...
Camp de Satory Versailles
Camp de Satory Versailles


Revrunner said...

Yes, I understand the meaning of coiled razor wire even in French. :-)

William Kendall said...

The old stone building in the last shot really catches my eye.

Unknown said...

Whoa that's some sky, dramatic or what...

Taken For Granted said...

That is a serious, heavy sky in your first photo. I assume this place has high security.

Sharon said...

That is a very menacing looking sky. It looks like you could get into trouble photographing too close to that high security place. Thanks for the peek inside the fence.

VP said...

I hope they are always ready...

Lowell said...

It appears those involved in Satory would prefer you'd have gone to the Palace, crowds or no! They obviously are not a welcoming group!

Wayne said...

Seriously, do not enter. I'm not kidding.

RedPat said...

Enter at your own peril!

Daryl said...

such gorgeous skies!!!!!!

Halcyon said...

the weather has also been funny here. Sometimes warm, but mostly cold. Love the dramatic sky!