Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Nuée blanche

Cerisier en fleurs Versailles Montreuil
The same tree as yesterday, the view you would have if you were standing outside the primary school in Montreuil street... with an irresistible moon!

Le même arbre qu'hier, rue de Montreuil, devant l'école... avec une lune irrésistible !
Cerisier en fleurs Versailles Montreuil
Cerisier en fleurs Versailles Montreuil
Cerisier en fleurs Versailles Montreuil


Lois said...

Lovely photos of the blooms Ciel and the moon adds a perfect touch!

Lowell said...

These are all superb compositions! The blossoms and the sky and Versailles...what could get better than that?

Kate said...

When I see all these gorgeous blossoms I sometimes feel like I am going to fly out of my body. Isn't spring grand?! Your photos are spectacular.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Four gorgeous images Ciel.. Oh la! The last image is tres special!

Sharon said...

What beautiful shots on what looks like a perfect day.

RedPat said...

The spirit soars!

Small City Scenes said...

Oh so beautiful.

Thérèse said...

Tu t'es éclatée et le cerisier aussi.

Loree said...

Spring is so beautiful!

Unknown said...

I love the first picture ... very spring like...

joo said...

This time of the year is really beautiful!