Quoi ? Mercredi sans porte ? Pire, cette photo n'a pas été prise à Versailles mais à Issy-les-Moulineaux hier soir à l'excellente brasserie "les colonnes" où j'ai eu le grand plaisir de rencontrer enfin Bergson de Châteaubriant Daily Photo ! Super dîner, vachement sympa ! @+ Bergson (et nota pour Olivier : tu as eu tort ! - je cite Bergson...)
oui je m'en doute, mais on peut pas etre partout a la fois ;) et puis un Mercredi sans porte, est ce vraiment un mercredi, si ca se trouve on est deja Jeudi....
Dinner looks good and loved Bergson's blog.
What a scrumptious dinner photo! Yummy in your tummy!
R U and Bergson "camera shy?" It would have been fun to see a photo on your blog of your CDP blog rendez vous! Maybe that will be on your blog tomorrow, non?
Out gallivanting and drinking! What a lucky woman! The meal looks delicious...I just ate but I can certainly have a glass of wine. Right?
I've been following Bergson for a long time. He's got a splendid blog.
Hält Leib und Seele zusammen. Mindestens.
Einen guten Mittwoch dir.
How nice to have a meet up Ciel, and over such a delicious looking dinner (well what else would you expect in France oui!)....
Well, I would have skipped blog hopping for a dinner like that too! Very nice.
I'd take that delicious dinner with a fellow blogger over blog-hopping too! I read too fast and first thought you'd driven the 350km to Chateaubriant... but then I see you met in Issy-les-Moulineaux... Super duper.
Dining in France is one of life's great pleasures, certainly including the meal I shared with you and some of our colleagues.
I think the wine goes well with it ...
Lucky you to meet the fine photographer Bergson AND to have such a plate of beef.
Nu nu, so what's he like?
perhaps that's "port" in the glass...
Wow, I can see why you were distracted... how lovely a dish of delight! Thank you for the link to Bergson's blog... I will explore some today :^)
On ne s'embête pas , dis moi!ça a l'air bon, vos trucs!
Quoi de mieux qu'une porte qui s'ouvre sur le monde des blogeurs et sur les plaisirs de la conversation autour d'une bonne table.
You are a gateway for all of us...
Glad you had a wonderful evening! You can stop by and look at all the other doorways to compensate. :)
How fun! Looks delicious.
Sounds like you had a lovely visit with each other!
Bon Appetit!
un vrai film américain la poursuite infernale
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