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Sunday, 10 October 2010
Cristal de roche et argent
These are photos taken in March at Lambinet museum, where the abbess of Maubuisson's crosier representing an Agnus Dei is kept. It was made in the 13th and 15th centuries of crystal and silver.
Ces photos ont été prises en mars au Musée Lambinet. La crosse de l'abesse de Maubuisson, datant des XIIIè et XVè siècles, représente un Agnus Dei en cristal de roche et argent.
[I enjoy your gut reactions to my posts... And yes, my street vendor did rather think I was crazy to keep clicking, but she was not ready to bite me. :-D ]
Wow! Lois Anne would love this, she being into crystal, especially. Those religious folks sure did like fancy crosses and such!
By the way, you might want to check out Colorado in Color for you are being feted there...well, more or less.
I thought the Lamb of God was softer and poorer than that.
That is amazing! Love the reflection.
Wow shimmery.
BTW your dinner of the other day sounded scrumptious. Extra yums. MB
Oh wow this is sort of the exact opposite of my Rosines cakes.
A stunning masterpiece!
De vrais tresors. Un magnifique objet qui a l'air assez grand si on considere les ampoules au plafond.
Bonne semaine a toi aussi.
A really 'glassy' shot!
Que le cristal, si fragile, ait réussi à traverser les siècles, c'est un bel exploit!
How very ornate and such a rich history! I learned quite a bit from this post, thanks!
Just beautiful and you did a fine job capturing it. I really must get to Versailles one day!!
I always enjoy the music here as well!
magnifique travail, c'est superbe , on dirait de lav sculpture sur glace
J'aime bien la lumière qui traverse le cristal. On a Presque l’impression qu’il s’allume soi-même.
Très joli.
wow, look at that gorgeous crystal, such an amazing art form!
The artist is very talented, I imagine work with crystal is difficult and the art is magnificent!
Gorgeous! Also love the reflection you caught in the photo ;D
Seulement un mot: WOW!
That's a lovely piece of crystal and silver.
[I enjoy your gut reactions to my posts... And yes, my street vendor did rather think I was crazy to keep clicking, but she was not ready to bite me. :-D ]
What an idea! So beautiful.
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