Sunday 6 September 2009

Jolie maison particulière

I spotted this house and liked the three levels and ornamentation!
J'aime bien le graphisme de cette maison à trois niveaux et son ornementation !

I am in away in Québec free from modern technology and VDP is on automatic mode. See you soon!
Je suis au Québec, affranchie de la technologie moderne. VDP est passé en mode auto. A bientôt !


Lowell said...

I like it, too. Kind of a mish-mash of styles, etc., but it is certainly interesting.

Quebec? Free from modern technology? My god, you'll go stark raving mad. Won't you?

Roseann said...

vive Quebec!

Anonymous said...

Have fun in Quebec!

Love the photos - I love black & whites

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Such complicated levels, too. The black and white treatment is a good choice.

Leif Hagen said...

Such a handsome, ornamented house certainly carries a king's price if listed for sale! Have fun 'a Montreal! Bon voyage!

Cezar and Léia said...

That's a lovely house indeed!
God bless you!

Rob Siemann said...

Bon sejour! Bien le bonjour a Montreal si tu passes par la! Souvenirs lointains d'etudiant a McGill...

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

I like that lovely decoration at the summit. Is it a trophy?

Virginia said...

Beautiful and the BW is very nice. Bonne vacances!

Dave said...

I think the top window won the cup though.