Perhaps the most impressive and beautiful piece on show at the Rameau exhibition (or at least the one that most impressed VDP) was this double keyboard harpsichord, signed 'Donzelague in Lyon, 1716' made from walnut with coloured wood marquetry , black lacquer, painted paper and oil on wood. Oh to hear it played... Want to listen to some harpsichord all of a sudden? Here's some Rameau...
Sans doute l'élément le plus impressionnant (du moins qui a le plus marqué VDP) à l'expo Rameau était ce clavecin à deux claviers, signé "Donzelague à Lyon, 1716". Noyer, marqueterie de bois de couleur, laque noire, papier peint, huile sur toile assemblés pour cette merveille... Ah qu'il serait bon de l'entendre ! Vous avez comme VDP une soudaine envie d'écouter du clavecin ? Voici du Rameau...
Now who remembers singles? And who listened to them? VDP had lots and a slot-in record player but none of these shown below!
Qui se souvient des 45 tours ? Et qui en a écouté ? VDP en avait plein et un mange-disque, mais aucun de ceux ci-dessous !
VDP doesn't remember having ever seen any cartoons about Rameau but they obviously existed! OK, this one was published in 1969, just a wee little bit too early for VDP!
VDP n'a pas le souvenir d'une BD traitant de Rameau, mais elle existait manifestement et est parue dans Tintin, le Journal des Jeunes de 7 à 77 ans... Bon, cela dit, c'était en 1969, un chouïa trop tôt pour VDP !
Terminons cette série avec un buste du grand compositeur par Jean-Pierre-Victor Huguenin.
I'd enjoy playing that instrument.
That harpsichord is exquisitely beautiful!
The craftsmanship on that harpsichord is wonderful, Ciel!
That is so beautiful.
Perfectly elegant. You turned on the sound system in my head. It's playing the Goldberg Variations. The original for harpsichord, of course. None of this Glenn Gould piano stuff.
Le clavecin a des tonalites tres emouvantes. Le bois joue un role en effet primordial dans la fabrication et la tonalite.
Les suites de Rameau que nous presentes sont tres joyeuses, on se sent tout d'un coup tres leger!
lorsque nous étions à cet endroit le dimanche du patrimoine il y avait des musiciens qui jouaient des extrait de Rameau...
une grande chance !
Wonderful collection, I remember 7"'s very well... then 'cassettes' arrived and it all went downhill from there!
A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
Incredibly beautiful craftsmanship!
That harpsichord is stunningly beautiful. I had lots of singles too! Buying music has changed drastically since then.
The harpsichord is incredible, like most of the other things you showed us from this exhibition...
An incredibly beautiful instrument. It's been a while since I've heard a harpsichord, so thanks for the link - I enjoyed a few minutes of that!
I'm seriously loving the wood work. I still have my college phonograph, but just a few vinyl records to go with it. I'm told they are making a comeback.
That is a fine old instrument.
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