Not quite a doorway today, sorry. This is the well guarded gate of Madame Elisabeth's domain! Not sure about the well guarded, this one's a real cutie!
Pas vraiment une porte aujourd'hui et je ne suis pas sûre qu'elle soit bien gardée. C'est un vrai chou qui y est allongé !
& I see the doggy looks warm & happy.
nice music.
: )
Someone's faithful companion alertly waiting for the return. Pretty snazzy gate!
I'll betcha I could have him eating out of my hand in no time flat! Looks a little like Haley!
Nice gate, though. Even if not that well-guarded!
Il attend probablement le retour de son maître!
He does look like a friendly guard!
What a handsome looking guard you found there. I am just loving his blonde fuzziness.
That little dog doesn't look like he could fight off Bambi. Maybe intruders could simply impale themselves on the spikes at the top.
I think he/she is a wonderful guard dog. He may lick ones face off. MB
il semble bien sympa ce chien , mais il faut toujours se mefier
I love big yellow dogs! A yellow Labrador like this one can be trained to be a guard dog, but it goes against the breed's face-licking nature! If my dog Lindy were guarding a gate, she'd demand a hug from every passer-by. We sure miss her. It's our last day in France before heading home via Den Haag and Amsterdam for our KLM flight to Canada. Looking forward to commenting regularly. Have to admit we didn't get to Versailles, however. Five days in Paris just flew by, and before we knew it, we had no time to visit Versailles. I feel I know it, however, because of your blog!
-- Kay, Alberta, Canada
It is good to see that photographers are not considered intruders by this 'guard'...
The guard at the gate? Ticket, please!
ohlala...pas mal!Il est beau! ;)
Je suis enchanté pour cette photo!
Merci pour ton gentil commentaire sur mon blog!
purrs et l'amour
Luna =^.^=
What a sweetie! He looks quite content sunning himself whilst on 'guard duty'.
Il parait que les vrais féroces chiens de garde laissent entrer les voleurs mais qu’ils les empêchent de sortir...
Awww! I say this'll keep people coming closer than away :-D
I love the colors that are used in your beautiful city. The "guard" would certainly draw me in.
I agree - that dog sure it a cutie.
Yeah, I'd be right over there saying hello to that cutie!
Un vrai chien de garde serait derrière les grilles, pas devant!
He does look like he is enjoying the warm sunshine!
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