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Friday, 1 April 2011
April City Daily Photo Theme Day: Edges
Not much inspiration, little time and the weather stopped playing along on Tuesday so here are a few edges for this month's Theme, taken from Avenue de Sceaux. Oh and happy April's Fools day! Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Peu d'inspiration pour le thème du mois d'avril, le temps qui a cessé de coopérer mardi... Voici donc une vue différente de l'avenue de Sceaux.
Thoughts, time, life passing by these edges, maybe the antenna can give them directions. A beautiful picture !
I really like this photo! It would be right at home on your artsy blog! I like the colors, and edging, the spidery antennae, the chimneys...everything!
You know, I wondered why it was so hard to post those Colorado photos must have been twitching very hard! ;-)
You know, I rarely see antenna's anymore. The random collection of them, all seemingly pointing in the same direction makes me think of ET for some odd reason.
Frontières entre l'humain et le celeste,le terrien et le vaporeux, la liberté et les murs,le concret et l'insaisissable, le bruit et le tu dis manquer d'inspiration?Moi je le trouve très bien illustré, ce thème!
I like it a lot!Good choice! I don't know why but it also reminds me "French channel", I think I'm watching TV a lot during these days! LOL bisous et bon week-end Léia
I have seen some very interesting edges today, but these rooftops and chimneys are just divine and appeal to my love of France! Love the colors and textures and the fact that they are where they are - hah!
Thoughts, time, life passing by these edges, maybe the antenna can give them directions.
A beautiful picture !
Please have a good new month and Friday as well.
daily athens
Rooftops can be so interesting! Full of wonderful colors and shapes!
I really like this photo! It would be right at home on your artsy blog! I like the colors, and edging, the spidery antennae, the chimneys...everything!
You know, I wondered why it was so hard to post those Colorado photos must have been twitching very hard! ;-)
You're not a composer! Aw...nuts! Well, do you know any composers or am I gonna have to do it myself. I always end up doing it myself.
Just kidding. It ain't that good a song, anyway! :-)
You know, I rarely see antenna's anymore. The random collection of them, all seemingly pointing in the same direction makes me think of ET for some odd reason.
I'm rather fond of this shot and that's no joke!
Lots of architectural EDGES in your photo and lots of chimneys, too!
Great edge day post.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
It is a nice photograph, Ciel. The edges theme was tough, wasn't it?
I love it! Very creative. Happy Friday.
Gosh it is a perfect edge photo. . .
Lots of edges here. This neighborhood was obviously built before architectural controls.
Il ferait si bon de s'y promener sur les toits de Paris...sans se pencher pour autant...
I see lots of edges here--or lines or is it ledges. whew this one was rather hard to come up with. MB
I love the view over the rooftops.
Lots of edges and interesting planes.
Frontières entre l'humain et le celeste,le terrien et le vaporeux, la liberté et les murs,le concret et l'insaisissable, le bruit et le tu dis manquer d'inspiration?Moi je le trouve très bien illustré, ce thème!
A lot of edges here and a nice view!
un peu dangeureux ces bords de toits
I like it a lot!Good choice!
I don't know why but it also reminds me "French channel", I think I'm watching TV a lot during these days! LOL
bisous et bon week-end
I like your image!!:)
- Have a nice weekend!
Gunn / Stavanger / Norway.
you did great!!! happy april fools day to you too!
I have seen some very interesting edges today, but these rooftops and chimneys are just divine and appeal to my love of France! Love the colors and textures and the fact that they are where they are - hah!
Love the composition, decay and colours.
Not to sure about the antennas, but otherwise it could be a shot right out of Mary Poppins!! Smile and have a wonderful weekend.
Very nice! I love French rooftops!
It looks like a medieval scene with antennae on the roof tops. Very interesting.
Wonderful red rooftop!!
Belle effet sur les toit très original .
Edges, edges, everywhere and old world charm too. Well done, Ciel!
Nice shot for the theme, Ciel, and I like the post-processing for a charming old world feel.
Great edges, Ciel! I wish I had been home to play this one!
I actually like this a lot. All those peaks, shapes, and bit of color.
This was not an easy theme. But I do like your interpretation. A lot to see here, and the colors are nice too!
How wonderful this is, Ciel. I'm so sorry I missed theme day this month.
I had a difficult time too. I like your realisation better than mine! It's got colour and shape and it takes me a long time to really see it all.
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