Deux pour le prix d'un indeed! I love that it says the name twice, too. When I first saw what the theme was for March my first thought was of lovely French passageways and I went to Google maps to find my favorite one in Paris and revisited it through the magic of "street view." :-) Your passageway looks very chic, and the restaurant logo very contemporary.
Is it true you are heading this way? The grapevine is humming, but I hadn't heard directly. Let me know. -Kim
J'ai éclaté de rire en ouvrant ta page : pardon mais le passage chez St Pierre le plus tard possible Steup ! J'aime bien les passages, pourquoi crois tu que mon blog porte ce nom ? -pontin < Pontoise < pont J'ai un autre blog à parution aléatoire qui s'appelle "Passerelle" Au passage, une question : elle est bonne là la pate à pizza ?
Gosh - you went one step further and found a passageway which was even labeled as such in case we couldn't figure that out! Bravo on your theme day photo!
Great theme photos. I love these kinds of pedestrian areas filled with shops and cafes...we have so few of them here!
Wonderful photos. I love walking along little alleys and laneways - there is always something of interest.
Melbourne Daily Photo
Great Pick!
I see a place I could spend the whole day looking at things and never want to go home!
This looks like a great place.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Good one! I love passages. I think I'd like to be sitting there in the Passage St. Pierre.
bien vu, deux pour le prix d'un, cela rattrapera le fait que j'ai complètement zappé le theme du mois ;o))
Arcades are great, the first indoor shopping malls? Can you remember the arcades in Cardiff?
Oh right! French uses the word passage for those nice places.
Thanks for reminding me of another world.
Indeed, a delightful double whammy, Ciel! Looks like my kind of place and Il Passagio beckons.
Ah, finally a passageway! I can tell because it says it is -:)
Very clever of you to combine the two. Smarty!!! MB
I love this picture and its framing, probably beacause I took an almost identical one... A very nice passage, I hope the restaurant is almost as good.
LOL, very clever choice of the signs! It's almost a disappointment to see you post a real passageway. ;)
Un restau italien! j'adore! et j'aime aussi ces petits chemins de traverse, un peu à l'écart du monde mais très animés, on s'y sent bien!
Great one! Now we know for sure where the origin of "passage" comes from. Looks like a nice passage to spend time in.
This looks like a quintessentially French passageway.
Deux pour le prix d'un indeed! I love that it says the name twice, too. When I first saw what the theme was for March my first thought was of lovely French passageways and I went to Google maps to find my favorite one in Paris and revisited it through the magic of "street view." :-) Your passageway looks very chic, and the restaurant logo very contemporary.
Is it true you are heading this way? The grapevine is humming, but I hadn't heard directly. Let me know.
un passage dans un passage ??? c'est pas le début d'un labyrinthe ?
Wonderful! I adore the passages of Paris. Makes me want to BE there.
Nice finds. Sure looks like your weather has improved.
great find and always fun to see a play on words. I need to get back to france soon and enjoy the wonderful restaurants and passageways
extra points for two excellent passageways!
J'ai éclaté de rire en ouvrant ta page : pardon mais le passage chez St Pierre le plus tard possible Steup !
J'aime bien les passages, pourquoi crois tu que mon blog porte ce nom ? -pontin < Pontoise < pont
J'ai un autre blog à parution aléatoire qui s'appelle "Passerelle"
Au passage, une question : elle est bonne là la pate à pizza ?
Brava! Due per il prezzo di uno! Il est bon, le restau?
Two passages for the price of one!
Good choice, Ciel!
What a great theme idea! Love your take on passages and can't wait to see more.
Lunch time? :)
Beautiful picture, I think this passage c'est très agréable!
Gosh - you went one step further and found a passageway which was even labeled as such in case we couldn't figure that out! Bravo on your theme day photo!
Very nice photos. I would like to be walking there right now.
there is something enticing about passageways that make me want to walk down them. Wonderful photos.
Oho! Love the double passage! I don't think anyone else has found a passageway named Passage besides you, brava!
Tiens je ne connais pas ce passage; la nuit c'est fermer ou pas.
Great choice for the theme day, especially the resto called Passage. Original!
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