Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Encore une année...

Looks like this year again, moccasins will be quite the craze...
... à s'imaginer en Pocahontas...


akarui said...

Effet de mode ou parce que agreable a chausser?
Belles photos sur le passage St Pierre plus bas.

Lowell said...

And they're made close to my old stomping grounds - Minnetonka, Minnesota!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I was in Minnetonka last week : )

Louis la Vache said...

...comfortable, if you don't need to walk much.

Bob Crowe said...

I hope, then, that the snow is all gone. But 85 euros for that bit of fake native American footwear? It could cause as much fashion sensation as when my son, at age 9, was running around Paris in one bright red and one turquoise sneaker. It got attention.

Leif Hagen said...

Shoes from snowy Minnesota! Minnetonka is just a 20 minute drive from my house! I hope they sell well!

Dave said...

Probably because they are so comfortable and are a classic design. They look good too!!

Loree said...

I see that they're back. I used to love them. They are so comfortable.

Olivier said...

des chaussures en confettis cela ne doit pas supporter la pluie ;o))

tapirgal said...

That's interesting. I didn't see any moccasins in England, but I saw a few pair of cowboy boots on women. No, I didn't shop at Selfridges nor anywhere else. I'm not much of a shopper and the only thing I bought was cough medicine for Lee and a few souvirs for people. I think we were both dragging from being sick, or . . . I don't know. I took home tons of photos. When I'm carrying a camera I don't think I buy as much :) We'll see how many of the pix came out!

VP said...

Other people's shoes are an eternal wonder for me...

Malyss said...

VP me fait rire.. N'empêche, on est super bien dans ces chaussures, mais là , elles sont chères! en même temps, si elles viennent direct du Minnesota, ça se conçoit. J'espère que les Indiens ont droit à des royalties..

Woody said...

Ceil, there also a nice reflection from the window, you should submit it for Weekend Reflections!

They are quite expensive in France!! 85-89 euros??!! Ouch.

Small City Scenes said...

How interesting. I wonder how popular they really will be.
I always wanted some but never had any. Will you get some? MB

EG CameraGirl said...

They looks so comfortable. I'm a fan of sensible shoes. LOL

brattcat said...

Do you own a pair, Ciel?

Anonymous said...

Moccasins used to be my favorite footwear and the last pair of "real" moccasins were purchased in 1952 in Tucson, Arizona and were actually made by Native Americans or was after their design. They were liberally called, "Squaw Boots" because of the way they were made but they had silver buttons but more like round disks of silver that went through a slit in the leather, around the ankle to hold them on. They had white elk skin soles but the color quickly turned to brown or got dirty. They were expensive then but I don't think anybody sells them these days. Squaw Boots #11\

Bergson said...

je ne comprends pas la légende je dois être le dernier ...

.....des mohicans

PJ said...

Interesting! We're not seeing this in Florida, we're more of a "sandals" community. '~)

Cezar and Léia said...

Agree with Woody, the reflection adds a very nice touch to this picture!
God bless you!

Malyss said...

Tu as la recette du gâteau aux carottes?..Ma curiosité gourmande est attisée!

Anonymous said...

it's good to know this--I can stock up now and be ahead of the trend when it gets here!

Suzanne said...

Minnetonka Moccasins have been around for ages, I always wanted a pair as a child.