Monday 6 July 2009

Chez Darras II : la boulangerie

Darras is also a baker! Anyone for a fresh baguette?!


VP said...

I see something better: palmiers!

Lowell said...

The bakery looks so enticing. Every once in a while we buy a baguette at the local grocery...but it's just never the same.

Yum, yum. But what's VP talking about - palmiers?

akarui said...

Humm... c'est apetissant toutes ces patisseries de meme du cote boulangerie de cette derniere photo.

Virginia said...

Oh this is what I miss most about Paris. I can hardly wait to return on Friday!!!

Clueless in Boston said...

Great looking bakery items. Their is nothing like good french bread.

Anonymous said...

mmmm... I can almost smell the fresh bread. Look so good :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Celdiequimper:

It is still tonight for me and all this beautiful food is making me hungry. Next time I'm in France, I'm going in search of a violet éclair!

Cergie said...

Moi qui suis gourmande, j'adorerais Darras I ET Darras II. Les petits sablés ronds croisillonnés doivent être étouffe-chrétien au possible, pleins de beurre et pas là même délicieux.
Les brioches légères doivent être pas mal non plus ; mais faut prévoir la gelée de cassis en sus.

B SQUARED said...

I'll take one, please.

Unknown said...

So much detail! Wonderful composition!

Meri said...

A buttery croissant for me, please.

Rob said...

Yes, I am! The perfect baguette we will find nowhere else than in France.

Olivier said...

ta visite chez Darras, n'est pas bonne pour mon régime ;o)) cela donne envie...

Sinon, oui Thomas-Alexandre Dumas méritait mieux qu'une stèle, mais une sculpture cela coute très Evry est une ville salement endettée.

crocrodyl said...

Looks fresh and tasty! Nice shot!

Lee Spangler said...

What is this about food these past few days!
If we keep this up, we'll all need to take up serious jogging.

EG CameraGirl said...

This looks so inviting, perhaps because it's time for supper almost. No, actually I think it's because the bread looks so yummy!

Carraol said...

Humm... I see some delightful forms and textures, splendid place and post!

Tammie Lee said...

You have done it again, more scrumptious French baked goods, I am drooling!

A l a i n said...

Il manque que l'odeur de cette boulangerie; merci pour cette photo